S7E2 #4chan...


She became a 4tard by getting cucked by a right-leaning kekistanian that supplied her a malware .jpg link. You'd think an ex-CIA agent would know better... (meds ain't working)

Surprised they did a segment on this as well.


And then it turns out the Ransomware stranger was living just a few minutes from Carrie... yeah right, rofl.


I had a funny thought. Imagine if it was actually Quinn behind it and asked her to striptease just to finally reveal he survived it all. XD


Or Brody.

I bet the 4 chan perv is going to report her to that chief of staff guy. Why’d she blurt out she is CIA? She is the most indiscreet spy ever.


Unbelievable. Anything to make the plot move along, no matter how utterly ridiculous it may be.

I figured as soon as Carrie couldn't remove her shirt, she was going to go full-on psycho and beat the guy into a bloody pulp. Big surprise seeing as how she was CIA and probably had training in self defense.
