
does the new season start ?


Last year it was mid January.
I came here looking for some news too.
I think it will hard to outdo the real news these days,
but I was really amazed at how good last season's
plots were, aside from them letting Quinn go.
This is one of my favorites shows ever in terms
of political plots, action, suspense, just fantastics.

What is a bummer is that there is no one and no
action on this board. I can't believe no one is here
talking about this show. I think it is because the
right wing slime creatures that inhabit all the
undersides of rocks on the Internet do not want
to talk about this because it is too close to what is
really going on.


This right winger enjoys this show. I own every season on Blueray.


Good. Do you like the newer seasons as much as the older ones?


Yes I do.


Cool. I am curious as to what you think of that right-wing broadcaster guy's character?


Dosen't bother me. It's just a tv show.


I did not ask you if it bothered you, I asked you what you thought about it. I'd be interested. Do you believe the are buildings full of operators that manipulate sock puppets like that and push a right-wing agenda in places like here and other online forums?


Thats my answer. No one said you have to like it or approve of it. It's tv.


Yeah, it is TV, and this is a website that discusses TV and movies, so what are you doing here? You sound like, as a self-described right-winger, you are afraid to start talking about this show because it conflicts with your political attitudes.
