MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > Quinn being gone is gonna make this show...

Quinn being gone is gonna make this show boring

After Brody died who was the most interesting character in seasons 1-3, Quinn really picked up the slack and became one of the most interesting characters on the show and easily made you forget about Brody. He was clearly the standout in S4, S5 and S6, now take Quinn out of all those seasons and they would all decrease in quality drastically.

I don't really see anyone picking up Quinn's slack and making me forget about him, its all gonna be Carrie running around, making cry faces and nothing but political mumbo jumbo and douchebags in suits.

With Brody we had the extremely interesting story of him being a double agent and trying to balance his family life while he was also trying to be a terrorist. With Quinn we had the interesting story of a highly trained assassin who had no problem getting his hands dirty who was in love with Carrie, but they couldn't ever make it work. This season we had his great story of him despite his handicap over coming and still carrying out his duty and being on his A game and saving everyone.

To me theres just no one left that can fill those shoes and be half as interesting as Brody or Quinn was. This show has killed off every interesting and entertaining character and i don't see the show lasting much longer.


We said the same thing when Brody was out of the show and Quinn took over. Now that Quinn is gone, there will be a new Quinn/Brody type-with-many-gray-areas we can all root for.


Yeah but we already had Quinn in the show waiting to take Brody's place, theres no one right now that i can see currently to take Quinn's place.


They are only going on for two more seasons... This last season, seems like a setup for the final two, which is fine by me, so long as it's one long, final, amazingly corrupt story and we find out that Dar was right all along about the President and the (wrong) choice to save her life cost Quinn his.
Although, that would've made him the Toxic Soldier vs. Hero... soooooo, I suppose it was good for him in the grand scheme of things. (Not so much for the fans though...)

It'll be "interesting" with, no Quinn, no Dar, and no Saul - I mean, we still have Max, passionate and digging for the truth, and O'Keefe to stir up shit but what else?

I still have faith in this show... no matter what my rant sounds like :D


Brody and Quinn held the show. In season 7 without either of them, it is quite the snoozefest


Good point ... I really like the Max character.


I thought the first 2 seasons were stellar writing with Brody after his return to the USA.. The writers went deep into the mindset of him, his wife, etc..Remember when we first saw him praying in his garage? I was floored.
Now with Quinn, I wasnt crazy about him, in the beginning but he grew on me. I loved him best this last season. Fabulous actor.
He had a live podcast today about his demise on the show. It was time. He went out with a blaze of glory.
I will watch Homeland till the end, but after Brody died it was never the same.
I believe Saul will be released, ad I believe Dar will lead us to Quinns son, a teacher upstate somewhere. Dar loved Quinn, and he will link us to Quinns son. Thats my take.


hmm, isn't Quinn a little young to have a son old enough to teach?


Yeah you might be right. I saw so many posts about Quinns son, that I thought maybe he had a kid when he was really young, like 17


I agree, we've now lost the second truly interesting, vital character who leaves a vacuum in the show. First Brody, now Quinn. I was very sorrowful to see him go.


Don't get me wrong, I liked the series debut and the arc of the Brody
story a lot ... well above average in terms of TV series.

However, I also liked just as much, and in some senses more, because
the other seasons I thought were more believable, and less pandering
politically. Face it, the character of Brody though great dramatic fare
was kind of unbelievable. Someone so messed up and broke, and having
to face so much being able to fake it in high political society is the small
exception rather than the rule - though there is John McCain.

Brody was a vehicle through this world and a scaffold for the series, but
I didn't totally buy the story like for example this season's, and even
others. I just think the show has been continually getting better, even
though it was certainly great from the beginning too.

I have confidence that the show will be just as great next season, but we
will not know until it shows. I have to assume it will continue with this
President, and Sal, and perhaps Dar. The sleazy right-wing media guy is
a great character, and so on target - I have to think he will have backers
and connections that might show up.


He was very good, but he is replaceable.


I totally agree with your point of view..
The most interesting story in the first several seasons was the complexity of Brody and the conflict of never being so certain of how he really felt or what he might do..Quinn was able to take up that mantle and make the show viable again..But he was already there among the characters.
At this point there's no one that can replace Quinn and make us care about them..He'd already been on the show since S2 and was not a new face and most of us had already wanted to dig deeper into him....We already knew from our peripheral view that he was a fascinating character.

You can't just throw someone new at us and expect us to care..These things take time and they're on the last lap. There is no more time to build anyone to fill those shoes.
Now we have Carrie and Saul...that's it . That horrible Dar just doesn't count.
I'm not protesting or making a statement...but I'm not in the least interested in watching the last few seasons anymore. I just don't care.


Those who created this show have had pretty good ideas in how to write
it and where to take it. Have a little faith. Quinn was a great character
as was Brody, very tragic ... the whole series is tragic. I think it will work
out. Maybe Dar Adal is going to come more to the front.

I was just re-watching Season 4 second to last episode where Quinn and
Carrie are in Pakistan going after Haissam Haqqani the terrorist and at the
last scene there is Dar Adal in the car with Haqqani as he leaves his compound.

I don't think that was ever picked up on or explained. I think this is one of the
best, and most balanced realistically, shows ever on TV. So brilliant I think they
will pick up new characters and plot lines.


How do we even know Quinn is DEAD?? Remember, we thought Jon Snow was gone for good, too...(and Quinn was able to stay underwater pretty long, back at the cabin.)



There are no red witches in Homeland to bring Quinn back my friend! ;-)


I actually don't know a single person that thought Jon Snow died, and I watch the show with a lot of people during its airings.

Quinn got shot up pretty good and lay slumped over by the steering wheel, he's a goner I'm afraid.
