MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > Did they just do a Jon (spoiler?)

Did they just do a Jon (spoiler?)

Snow? In the very first scene of episode 1, Quinn is alive.

He was a total vegetable and died in the last scene and Carrie read his tender good-bye letter.

And now he is back full of hostility towards her?

And these two radicalized guys are clones of the hackers from last season. They both will be dead by the last episode of this season.

This show.... this show.


The young guy reminded me of the kid from season 4, hope they don't just repeat that story, where the CIA sends the kid to spy on his dad or something.


He wasn't really a vegetable. He was breathing on his own, he wasn't even on a ventilator. The issue was he hadn't woken up yet. His pulse, heart rate on the monitors were all normal. And we never saw Carrie actually do anything (she went to mercy kill him but didn't see her do it).


I had thought the doctor told Carrie he suffered great brain damage or was brain dead.


Not sure the exact lines but he made it sound bad but definitely didn't say he was brain dead. Cognitive functions were low but he wasn't dead.


The Doctor said if Quinn survived the damage would be "profound." I took it to mean it would be way worse than this. So I was almost sure he was dead. Not that I am sorry he is alive, but I feel a bit..duped.
