MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > a political agenda (spoiler)

a political agenda (spoiler)

This season seems scripted to champion free speech and an agenda of diversity and validate how so many Americans are prejudiced and all members of a group are not all "terrorists."

But we know that. Why does it have to be part of the theme for this season and shoved down our throats in political rhetorical agenda?

I can guarantee the guy they arrested in episode 1 is guilty of nothing because that is going to be the point of this season: freedom of speech... as long as you are not threatening or plotting.

But it probably will be filled with pathos because the guy will be killed in some way and we will all feel bad cause he did nothing. So predictable.


I fully expect it to turn into a vehicle to promote #BlackLivesMatter and fat acceptance or whatever tumblr ninnies are crying about


No black lives matter please, they are a hate group



I think that the kid is unbelievably niave in making those videos without thinking that he will be on the country's security services' list and making himself such an obvious target for transporting whatever while on a visit to his father.

If I were an American, I would be most upset if he wasn't being monitored.

Too late to die Young


Agreed Izzyennygood...


Please, god no 


*found the right wing nut Trump supporter*


It's always going to be filled with liberal propogamda because of the culture of the writers and producers. It's in their blood.


It's on, there's always Duck Dynasty re-runs.
