MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > Quinn 2.0 [spoilers]

Quinn 2.0 [spoilers]

The producers have been warning us about a changed Quinn, but I don't think any of us were close enough in his demise:

- can't walk properly (has a limp)
- has slurred speech
- sometimes he can't even create sentences
- sees weird things
- smokes crack
- spends his free time with whores

He's in such bad shape I don't think we'll be seeing him working again. So, what's the point in having him alive?

Even Quinn, in his crazy state of mind, realizes he's doomed. He tells Carrie: "let me go, I'm not getting any better".

Just put Quinn out of his misery.


I'm hoping over the course of the season we see him improving. It was definitely hard to watch but probably a true reality for people coming back from from war.


I haven't seen it yet but based on spoilers are we talking 'Quinn: Based on the novel Push by Sapphire' levels of depressing? I'm a big Quinn fan and don't know if I can take it!



I don't know the novel but it's pretty bad!


His acting in the premiere is incredible though


Oh yea definitely he's a terrific actor


Peter is still one of the more interesting characters on the show.


I was pretty impressed with his acting too. Extra kudos for the American accent since he's British.


This concerns me, too. I was pretty sure he was dead at the end of last season. If they did end up bringing him back it I figured it would be due to fan pressure.

Now that he's back, the only way the story maintains any credibility is to have him be nearly as miserable as he was last season, just in new and horrible ways. Why couldn't they let us remember him the way he was? Alas.


He will improve sooner than you think. As soon as he finds a purpose for living, It is psychological issue.
If you watched next on Homeland, some shoots from EP 3 when he speaks to Carrie that something watching her, his speech back to normal. He is not on the drugs, has cleaned hair, 6.01 is the lowest point
He could not find the purpose while he was in hospital, That is why he just let it flow...

He will be back. I promise
He just needs to find a trigger to improve. He will, very soon.
It will be pretty hard way, but

And I like gim for his personality not as action hero. Anyway he will be quinning. Will go through some harsh stuff though.


Let's hope you're right. I don't mind having him in hell for two episodes if by the third he's "quinning".


Last season, he was coughing up black sludge, and now his speech is very heavily slurred, and his mental capacity is noticeably diminished. All signs point towards brain damage- specifically as a result of oxygen deficiency. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always been under the assumption that brain damage like this doesn't just go away.

And don't tell me this is crack. Crack can definitely dumb people down, but it can't do this.

I know that everyone's loving Quinn's full Midnight Cowboy mode, and it's certainly a compelling performance, but, at the end of the day, if you're going to avoid a lot of head scratching from your fan base, the journey to recovery has to follow the pathology, and right now, I'm not seeing it.

Sure, I'll be happy to see Quinn improve, but I'm not going to be happy about the lack of continuity.


I'm a big fan of RF (never knew he was a Brit though). I'm doing my residency and saw a lot of patients on my psych rotation very similar to his character. One small correction to one of the earlier posters though. He's not smoking crack cocaine in the scene with the prostitutes it's methamphetamine (tweakers call the pipe he was using a stem) and it could explain a lot of the problems that he shows. Amphatimine psychosis is really hard to treat but it would cause the hallucinations, paranoia, etc. that he seems to have. It's not really treatable but usually only seen with heavy, longtime users. Hopefully he's not been using the stuff that long and in that case if he stayed off of it his psych symptoms would go away. It still wouldn't explain his physical problems but who knows if he got free of the drugs maybe physio therapy would get him back to quinning.

I can't for the life of me understand why they put Otto Düring in the episode (I hope they leave his storyline out of this last season). I love Homeland but I thought the last season was the weakest of the bunch. I liked Seasons 2 -4 the best. It would be awesome if they could get back to that and not make this season about moral relativism (Is Edward Snowden right/wrong). Gimme a break. Carrie, Quinn, or Saul would've taken someone like him out in the past. I have a bad feeling about this season. Hope I'm wrong.


I thought last season was better than S3. S1 will always kind of have my heart, but in some ways S4 was the best. Just hated the last episode.

Yeah, I hate the moral relativism thing too. I can get Carrie stepping back from her old life and having a different perspective, but this is ridiculous. In the opening credits of S1-S3 we hear her saying "I missed something that day and I won't miss it again." As in, missed something on 9/11. Well, here that SOMETHING is staring her right in the face and she's trying to rationalize it? This kid is glorifying terrorists on line, for God's sake! He's clearly been radicalized, even if he hasn't actually acted on it yet.

That NY guy, whatever his name is who is investigating the kid? Why does Carrie Mathison suddenly need HIM to tell her what the deal is?

This better change at some point.


his speech is very heavily slurred, and his mental capacity is noticeably diminished. All signs point towards brain damage- specifically as a result of oxygen deficiency. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always been under the assumption that brain damage like this doesn't just go away.

Exactly. He seems permanently f-cked, I don't see how they're gonna work him into this season at all. If he makes a fast, miraculous recovery it just won't ring true at all.


I just looked up (youtube) the sarin attacks of tokyo in 1995. 13 died. Many of those exposed made a full recovery.


Sarin is an organophosphorus compound with the formula (CH3)2CHO]CH3P(O)F. It can be lethal even at very low concentrations, where death can occur within one[7][8] to ten minutes after direct inhalation of a lethal dose, due to suffocation from lung muscle paralysis, unless some antidotes, typically atropine and an oxime, such as pralidoxime, are quickly administered.[5] People who absorb a non-lethal dose, but do not receive immediate medical treatment, may suffer permanent neurological damage.

Whatever non drug related symptoms Quinn is experience are a result of asphyxia. As I said before, asphyxia related symptoms don't just go away.

And to the other poster who mentioned meth, meth wouldn't cause this. I recall, towards the end, Farah Fawcett having trouble communicating, but, as far as I know, that was chronic prescription drug use over a long period of time.

No, the sky isn't going to fall over a TV show not doing their homework, but I do hold Homeland to a slightly higher standard, and, in this instance, they let me down. They wanted their Midnight Cowboy performance, and then, later, a fully restored Quinn. I'm sorry, but you can't have both in a Sarin/meth storyline.


Well, we're all holding Homeland to a higher authority certainly.

As for Quinn's recovery -- he did receive atropine; he did get medical attention, though obviously not immediately; and again, since this is fiction (well, not really, but we do have to allow for some degree of poetic license, as it were) we can't expect the pathology to follow an exact path. maybe.


"He's in such bad shape I don't think we'll be seeing him working again"

Indeed. Because we have never in the history of television or film seen someone overcome great adversary and become a hero against all odds.


I'm slightly perturbed that neither Saul nor his mentor Dar Adal seem to be at all interested in the life of Quinn. Heartless basturds

Molly Parker needs to be in this show. Would've been a feisty president

Too late to die Young


That is all accurate. I don't know if what he smoked was crack though. I am no expert (Thank God).

Quinn's state is talked about in this review for the first episode of Season 6:

Homeland on Google+:


So just because Quinn isn't a bad ass assassin but a mess you want him dead? He just doesn't know what to do with his life. He clearly ain't going back.

He probably is going to be this way may be till the end of season 6 and when Carrie really needs him he'll pull through and help her.


My guess is that they’re setting him up for a 3-season recovery arc. After the massive renewal they apparently took extra time between seasons to plot out a long story, which I’d be happy with. (Means less loose ends! Are they EVER going to go back and vaporize Haqqani??!!!)

