What it lacked

Was a good doc, Patty is really cool and I didn't even know about Kirsten. Really informative and was also refreshing to have a doc without a narrator. They did a really good job of showing how fame consumed her and contributed to her downfall ( some can't handle fame and go off the rails as a coping mechanism like I would say happened to Amy Winehouse and George Best, to name a couple), but I would have liked to have found out more about how she got back on her feet. I had to read up on her to find this out. It would have also made the doc more evenly paced, you would have seen her descending and then working her way back up. Instead what the filmakers did was show her descending, and then you saw her wedding and a few shots of her with dogs and that was it. Her getting back was a journey that was unexplored, you were just told this is where she is now.


Perhaps the journey back was something Patty didn't want to share. It might have been too painful and mundane.

I found the documentary interesting too. I wasn't sure how they would sustian it with the focus on her but as the film proceeded I became more and more interested in her as a person.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.
