Classic Narcissism

Reading up on Narcissism, it should include a photo of 'Chris Crocker'. He has stretched out his 15 minutes of fame, and confused adoration with a number of hits on a video stream. People stare at train wrecks too, but that doesn't mean they like them. People wonder why he has no friends, but it's pretty simple when you understand the love affair Chris has with his video camera....and his own image.

"Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population. First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and is severe ego-centrism."



so you're not familiar with extremely shallow conformist small towns where u have to be exactly like them or you will be alone... i take it you've never been lonely or bullied to death for things you can't help.... its not uncommon for people to develop habits, and in extreme cases of isolation people develop obsessions with photos, videos, and online networking so that they can express themself. You and your dam labels...
