Hollywood mentality

This is typical of what Hollywood usually does (I know this a BBC adaption its just the same mentality), lets get a property thats popular for a reason and then completly change everything that made the original concept so popular in the first place so it can appeal to a mass market and then wonder why the fans start complaining and the end product isn't anywhere near as good as the origianl.Most writers these days seem to think they can make popular authors works better in some way by changing the essence of the original and shoehorning their own concepts into the story.

When there is no more room in Hell, remakes will walk the earth!




Yes, usually utterly anonymous writers who feel that they can vastly improve the works of James, Buchan, Shakespeare, and the like. Whistle and I'll Come To You was a joke.

Look into my eyes it's easy to see, one and one make two, two and one make three, it's destiny.
