Buddy aggravates me

I like the show, I like seeing the challenges, I hate Buddy. He's such a jerk. Does the winner have to take a job with him? I'd just take the $50k and send him home on the truck.


I'm thinking Buddy hams it up for the cameras? He seems pretty over-the-top with his accent and "boss" persona and I can't imagine he acts like that in everyday life.

These guys are kinda cute when they're not, y'know, formed into a fiery column of death...


Hmm I love his 3 shows, but his ego does annoy me and as a full blooded Italian he somewhat embarrasses me. I'm tired of his "yous" when talking to more than 1 person.


Buddy is so obnoxious and needs so much validation. Every time he makes a cake he has to show it off to people so they can oooh and ahhh over it. He seems to have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old.


Yeah. That explains how obnoxious his "twists" to every win is. It's like throughout the season, he seems to get a little jealous of the winner of the quick challenges so he has to punish them somehow. A person wins, the prize or advantage is they get to pick their team, then he makes them go to the opposite team. The women win the decorating challlenge then are told they get nothing because it's Christmas and bakers get nothing on Christmas. A person wins immunity and turns out to be the worst there, then doesn't give out any more immunity.

Buddy needs to let prizes be prizes and stop taking his issues out on the contestants. He also needs to stop pressuring the conteastants into deciding who should go home or sdsaying they themselves should go home. That's his job. He just wants to bully them. He needs to stop yelling, too. He's on film. He has sound people we can hear him.


Come on, wouldn't you smile every day whenever he butchers the word 'fondant'

"El riesgo vive siempre!"


Agreed with most everyone. His whole family seems obnoxious.

Calling a team "king of the stupids" is intolerable.


He has no vocabulary.. the show tries to build up when he's about to make a speech and what does he knock it home with? Gems like:

-King of the stupids
-Self praise sucks
-That tastes awesome

someone get this guy a book

on a side note, I just saw the episode where the contestants made cakes of his sisters and he had them steamrolled. If I remember correctly, Buddy once made a rather hideous looking cake of his own wife on one of his shows... who is he to talk?


There isn't enuf cake in the world or oven space to create his sisters.


Yeah that cake of his wife sucked and was so horrible! And when he said the caked looked like a man, I kind of thought his wife looks like a man. (I think she is pretty, but she does have a strong and somewhat masculine jaw - she seems very nice and sweey, and like one of the only classy people on the show tho).

Canada for President 2012!
