Premieres tongiht! 4/20

At midnight on VH1, VH1 Classic, Mtv2, MtvU. Also airs at 3 am on Comedy Central uncensored.



Yo I'm watching it right now, it's funny as hell. There's so many people in it, and even if you don't know much about the Beastie Boys it's still funny as hel if you're stoned. 10/10 for sure, it's only 30 minutes but I might rate it the best stoner movie ever. Maybe.


I would not mind a full-length movie. The amazing amount of cameos was hilarious, especially GOB :)

I stuff provolone in my socks every night so they smell like your sister's crotch in the morning!


watching this right now and the only funny part is when the beasties all piss on each other.


the hole movie was damnfunny 20/10 is my rating for the movie fucin saw it 4 times already
