Am I the only one?

Who loves this show!

I can't believe they went to Prince's Hot Chicken in Nashville!


No, I like it too. But does it bother you that Julia says "Of course" 5 to 10 times every segment, like she's talking down to us? It's gotten to the point where I change channels when she comes on.


I too love the show but there's something about Julia I don't feel comfortable with...


She's very preachy. And not to be mean, but in one episode they had her husband on, and he has the eyes of a serial killer. And absolutely no personality.


OK, I'm gonna rant. If nobody reads it, oh well. I just saw the slow cooker episode and Julia did all 3 segments. She must have said "Of Course" and "Obviously" 20 or 30 times. I can't stand her anymore. Her orgasmic oohs and ahhs after tasting a dish make me sick. And Kimball kisses her ass - never gives her a hard time like he does with Bridget. Maybe because Bridget has a personality and sense of humor and Julia doesn't? I'm through with her segments; I'll just FF to get to the real people.

If I could figure out how to email the show without joining and paying Kimball I would tell them my feelings.

Am I overreacting? Maybe. Does Julia suck? Definately.


Hey, I read your rant, a mere year and a half after you posted it.

I never noticed Julia saying "Of course" all the time. Of course, now I will and it will bug me.

But does anyone else notice Bridget saying "go ahead" constantly? "I'm going to go ahead and pour it in the pan." "I'm going to go ahead and take these off the grill." Drives me insane.


Yeah, you won't be able to unhear it. But I like Bridget. At least she knows how to have a conversation.


Oh, my GOD!

Please just do the thing, Bridget, okay?

I do love her, anyway, but it's got to where I'm sitting here waiting for her to say it!


And it's a sufficiently well-known irritant that Mike Judge used it in his movie "Office Space" to make the boss annoying.

I don't know anything about these shows--do the people in them never watch them to see if they're doing something like that? Because I'd sure want to know.

I myself noticed that I say "I mean" at the beginning of sentences way too often, and am making an effort to cut it out. And I'm not even on TV.


Not familiar with "Office Space," but I get your point.

My verbal tick is "Actually, ______________"

I, too, would wish to know!

Folks down South seem to "go ahead and" a lot more than we Yankees.
