MovieChat Forums > Allen Gregory (2011) Discussion > I actually like this show.

I actually like this show.

Sorry, folks.

I like the show's concept, and like the fact that it doesn't give a **** about how a TV show is "supposed to be". That's why I enjoyed it. The one-liners, and the way Richard talks do it for me.


I like it too. Admittedly it has some problems, but I think that it is very funny in a cringe-worthy sort of way.


yup hatedit at first. Watched an episode out of bordem and now gutted it's cancelled.

Here's why. It was unpredictable ("blue paper... WE'RE BACK IN") and the storylines were stories i've never seen before. Not just rehashed *beep* done in a slightly different way.

Have you ever see a show do something like that sex tape episode?


Now if you needed a back flip I'd be up that wall in a second bro.


I agree.

Fate is what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over.


awh what it was cancelled!!! It has just started here in the UK and I love it. My bf and I think its hilarious. its totally Jonah.. my gay housemate isn't such a fan but he watches glee and the craft so I don't pay any attention to him.

Gutted it was cancelled


Here in the US, it not only had horrible ratings, but it hurt the shows around it.

I'm sure if it gets high enough ratings in the UK, they might consider making more.


It was truly clever satire, a hilarious send-up of today's social trends: gay marriage, adopting a child from an impoverished third-world country as a fashion statement, supposed public servants kowtowing to those with money, and many others.

Regrettably, the jokes were over the heads of the 8:30 audience like a tent. I also suspect pressure by the nationally organized gay lobby -- including 99 percent of motion picture and TV critics. It never stood a chance but i salute Fox network for making the attempt.

["We have all strength enough to bear the misfortunes of others./"]
--La Rochefoucault


This show seems more suited for Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.


It's not going to be picked up by any other network due to the suicidal ratings. This show not only killed it's self but it hurt the ratings of the shows surrounding it.



I saw that episode where he takes his principal on the date and loved it! This sucks! I really miss French STewart on TV.


lol I agree with the OP!

I dunno what everybody on these boards is smokin' (some uptight juice, maybe lol?) but I'm a fan of shows like South Park and The Simpsons, Aqua Team Hunger Force, The Cleveland Show, etc and this show reminds me of pieces of all of those, especially South Park. Allen G. is like a combination of each kid in South Park haha, especially Cartman lol ^_^ I've seeked this show out online to watch cause I usually miss it on Sundays but I think its funny and fresh and hilariously controversial and yeah lol. I guess it's a matter of taste. These risque type of cartoons (in which everyone gets shot at like an equal opportunity dissing) crack me up lol ^_^ But everyone's entitled to their own opinion haha ^_^ To each his own lol ;P

Friend me @


^ you have No originality, you copied and pasted the exact same message on another thread. Idiots like you are the only ones who like this excuse for a cartoon and no in all those other animations the bad dude always gets *beep* over. Allen Gregory always gets away with his miss treatments. You are a douche.


I like this show too and am sorry to see it go. I thought it was original & funny. Sure, it's got sort of a sarcastic hard edge, but I think it means well and I've actually met rich, gay guys similar to the ones portrayed.

Someone mentioned Adult Swim and I have to agree that yeah it probably would have done okay on something like that.


I really don't think this show is anywhere close to South Park, honestly. I tend to find South Park to be clever, and I really didn't "get" this show in the least, not for lack of trying. I can't really say I'm sad to see it cancelled, maybe I'm close-minded, but I just really couldn't stand it.

More power to you if you enjoy it though, just not for me. One of my worst viewing experiences, it just took all of my expectations and didn't come remotely close to any of them.


I liked it's my type of show though I guess :-) I love watching d bags for some reason haha. And I thought Allen got what he deserved most if not all of the time, so I'm not sure what people have their panties in a wad over.


And I thought Allen got what he deserved most if not all of the time, so I'm not sure what people have their panties in a wad over.

In the end he really didn't, most of the time he got away with whatever or was thought to be the hero anyway. It's not getting panties in a wad, if anything it's the complainers who don't like that it was canceled who are like that. It's the fact that the show was both not funny and had the bad guys win 6 out of the 7 episodes. Quagmire does horrible things, but he does have bad stuff happen to him, and he can be quite funny so you can ignore it.


I thought it was hilarious! I'm right there with ya. I don't know why theres so much hate
