MovieChat Forums > Allen Gregory (2011) Discussion > in order for a show to work you need a l...

in order for a show to work you need a likable character

i get it ...i think... that the audience is supposed to hate allen and his dad and its working. but in order for people to come back and keep watching there will need to be some changes in character development. there either needs to be a character that puts allen and his dad in place or allen needs to realize that hes such a big douche that he changes or no one will watch. i really had hoped (and thought that the show was going in this direction) that the kids at school would beat the f--k out of him/ make fun of him etc and shown him some humility but no. i could go on but im lazy right now and feat that this show will not go in this direction and i will not see it ever again so im not going to waste anymore of my time

Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?


I can see where the show's developers were going with the premise, but I just couldn't get past the first 5 minutes. Same went for Bob's Burgers.


I agree with you OP. When I saw the show's trailer I noticed that Allen G was hostile towards Jeremy and figured it was the whole you're-my-Stepparent-so-I-hate-you situation. But it turns out that this isn't the case. He attitude is based upon the way his dad treats Jeremy. And that is turning me off of this show.

The way Richard treats Jeremy is just disgusting to me.



Agreed. Maybe there will be something to like about the adopted kid, but that's hardly enough to carry an entire show or even bring me back for the next episode. And if you're going to have an over-the-top douche bag, make sure you go way overboard. Stewie isn't exactly the nicest person... baby... around, but he's so over the top he's likeable. Cartman is way over the top too and while you don't necessarily like him, the other characters' interactions with him are appropriate. Allen Gregory is a douche, his parents are douches, most of the people at the school are douches, and there's pretty much nothing to like about him or this sad excuse for a show.




Maybe they were trying to do the same thing that the Soviets tried to do with Dallas. They tried to show how evil the rich Ewings were and to get their people to hate the West but it backfired when they saw how affluent Americans were. Maybe this is the NeoCommie Leftists' attempt at getting people to hate the rich by forcing this brat on us, but all it really does is make up hate the writers.


The only likable character was Jeremy and they kept ganging up on him so much that it made it completely unrealistic to even consider staying in that home environment. I'm all for dark comedies, but you can't trash the only likable character, it makes no sense to me.


True, however if she just kepted up like that one episode, where Richard is seen as the idiot he is in the show itself by others in the show, I think the show would still be on the air.


Agreed, yet somehow Fox keeps missing this lesson. Even with a show like Wonderfalls where the lead is kind of unlikeable but also incredibly hot the show gets killed midseason. Maybe they've got it figured out with The New Girl where she's not likeable but also not unlikeable and also is slamming. What was the quote from The Simpsons - "You know Fox turned in to hardcore pornography so gradually I barely noticed."
