MovieChat Forums > Allen Gregory (2011) Discussion > I kinda hope they bring this back...

I kinda hope they bring this back...

... however unlikely. I mean, I can see a lot of people with delicate dispositions having trouble with its content. But I found it genuinely funny and actually starting to go some where with the character development, however small.

Yeah it slurs a lot fairly serious issues and does so in an in-your-face way but that's what it set out to do and does so well if that's part of your sense of humour. I mean strictly speaking doesn't most of comedy live and die on that ethos? this is just a deliberately pretentious spin on it.

I guess I just struggle to see why people go out of their way to bomb this on here or where ever, for simply not being designed for them.

Please don't napalm me for liking it, just wanted to get that out there because keith david is the black guy amongst other cool *beep* haha


if you like it then that's fine, but it will never be picked up because not only did it's ratings suck but it was hurting the shows around it, it was bringing their ratings down. There is no way in hell FOX or any other network will pick it up. It would be a career ending move and they know that. The only reason it got green light was because it was in Jonahs contract for the sitter. That's why FOX pushed it so hard. It would have been cancelled by the 4th episode except They couldn't because all episodes had to air.


haha rev mate you really are sniping this board huh? what is it about this show in particular that's incensed you enough to spend days taking pot shots at every message that shows any support for this show?

I mean I respect that you went for some kind of reasoning and answer to a statement I already knew was pretty futile but it almost seems like you're trying to convince yourself a bad dream didn't happen. Probably only proving, if nothing else, that the show did its job in causing such mixed reactions.

Maybe don't watch fox, or find something to take up ya time that's more productive than these forums.

Either way thanks for your response and for not pulling a dick move and just ridiculing someone with a different opinion to you. Which is easily done in these places.


Mate i come on these boards because i like interacting with complete strangers. I hate this show because it *beep* up my Sunday nights for 7 weeks and im glad it's dead. But i wasn't having ago at you my friend i was just saying that everyone is entitled to like what they want but the truth is this show was an abysmal failure. Another reason i come back to the Allen Gregory Board is i have made some friends and pissed of some people so i like to come back and remind those people im still here :-D


Hey...they brought back Family Guy. I have some hope of this one returning as well, it's really a good show that threw a lot of people off either because they had gay married characters or Allen was that much of a prick at times.


Hey...they brought back Family Guy. I have some hope of this one returning as well, it's really a good show that threw a lot of people off either because they had gay married characters or Allen was that much of a prick at times.

I don't think the gay marriage had anything to do with it. It's the fact that the villians have nothing bad happen to them in the show, and everything works out for them. Plus it was mostly just plain not funny. Even Quagmire on family guy, while he can be evil at times, has had bad stuff happen to him. Also, no characters on the show grew at all. I don't think it has a chance of comming back for several reasons. One, it lowered the viewership of shows around it, two, it's ratings were flat out bad, and three, the only reason family guy came back, and futurama as well, was because of high dvd sales. I don't see to many people buying these seven episodes.

They had one good episode, where Richard was shown as the dumbass he is by people on the show itself, and where Allen gave the popularity back to the other kid when he felt bad he destroyed the kids life. But the following episode it went back to the crap that got it cancelled. If they continued with that growth of Allen after the episode, and continued to show people on the show finding Richard an idiot, then it might have had the other 6 episodes made. BUt the fact is Hill dropped the ball with this one, and it tanked.


Family Guy is irreverent and has fart jokes. Allen Gregory is just high octane offensive.

Family Guy was brought back after high DVD sales. There was two seasons of episodes or more to put on DVDs. FOX would be stupid to produce a DVD with only the seven episodes of this tribe


And normally, I dont do this but...

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There is nothing wrong with being a bitter bastard on the web, but when you are broken record, people get tired of that *beep*


by - Sulalee on Sun Jan 8 2012 03:57:28 And normally, I dont do this but...

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I love it when people can't handle the truth. The fact of the matter is the shows ratings sucked. where as family guys didn't have low ratings when it was cancelled. That's why it was feasible to bring it back. The ratings for Allen Gregory sucked like alot and it was the least watched show of the night.


I think the show is quite funny. Perhaps it's because I like to just watch things and enjoy them for what they are without trying to over analyse them... Or perhaps it's because I'm stupid.


I think the show is quite funny. Perhaps it's because I like to just watch things and enjoy them for what they are without trying to over analyse them... Or perhaps it's because I'm stupid.

Well to each their own. It's not about over analysing it, it's the fact that most of us found the jokes unfunny and it was the same crap spewed each episode (cept the one that had growth). If the show was hilarious with it's dark humor then it might have not been cancelled.


I don't think it's the greatest show by any stretch, I just wonder why so many peolpe seem so upset by it being full of 'bad people' who don't learn lessons for being so bad. I just wonder why this is a problem.


I don't think it's the greatest show by any stretch, I just wonder why so many peolpe seem so upset by it being full of 'bad people' who don't learn lessons for being so bad. I just wonder why this is a problem.

Well as I said, it's because the show isn't funny ontop of having it's bad characters not grow or at least be seen as the idiots they are. No one in the show should take Richard seriously, yet most of the cast does. Cept those he works with which was the only good episode.


I love it when people can't handle the truth. The fact of the matter is the shows ratings sucked. where as family guys didn't have low ratings when it was cancelled. That's why it was feasible to bring it back. The ratings for Allen Gregory sucked like alot and it was the least watched show of the night.

HAHAHAHA!! How naive!

The REASON Family Guy got cancelled is because at first, the ratings were poor, and then Fox kept jumping it around, changing it almost weekly, without advertisement - which did in fact hurt - incredibly, mind you - the ratings.

The ONLY reason it came back was not a feasible reason.

feasible :
1) possible to do easily or conveniently
2) likely, probably

I repeat, the ONLY reason Family Guy came back was because Adult Swim aired it in solid airtimes and never changed it, which brought up its fanbase, made Fox realise they had a cash cow and renewed it.

I haven't been on these Allen Gregory boards much but I'm already sick of the people saying how physically angry it's made people, how much they think it sucked. Someone, I believe it was you, Reverend_Foley, said your Sundays were wasted for seven consecutive weeks.

I hate this show because it *beep* up my Sunday nights for 7 weeks and im glad it's dead.

if you didn't like one episode, why the *beep* did you keep tuning in? It's up to you to spend your time how you want, and it wasn't Fox's, Jonah Hill's or anyone fault for "wasting your sundays". YOU CHOSE to watch something YOU DIDN'T LIKE.

The truth is the show is actually good - if it was given the chance, it would have become something akin to King of the Hill - not in terms of length, but in terms of character. The Hills weren't the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, but they dealt with mistakes and learnt things through the show. It was surprising how they balanced Allen's dislikability and sympathy. He was a douche, yet I sympathised with him sometimes, which is difficult to do.

I just wish people would stop criticising a show they didn't like as if it had murdered their families and raped their children and pets and they are going to exact revenge on the creators. Nobody forces you to watch something you don't want to. And more funny: people think shows are made purely for them themselves - as if Jonah Hill had to tailor the show to you Reverend_Foley and failed, so now you have to exact revenge on him or something - that's the mindset of all you stupid idiots on here. You all have a superiority complex and if you saw Jonah Hill walking down the street, you'd try to avoid eye contact and wouldn't do a thing. You simply have a computer screen and keyboard in front of you and the luck of internet anonymity that makes you sound tough. If I saw Jonah Hill walking down the street, at first I'd be scared, but then I'd be inspired by *beep* like you to approach him, tell him how much I appreciated the show and how sorry I am that it got cancelled.

Another reason i come back to the Allen Gregory Board is i have made some friends and pissed of some people so i like to come back and remind those people im still here :-D

Watch out, if those friends are offering you candy and to meet them at midnight at your local park, you'll most likely get raped.

And how considerate of you to waste YOUR TIME (like you did watching EVERY EPISODE OF ALLEN GREGORY) trolling around these boards parading like your *beep* doesn't stink telling everybody "your opinion", which consists of arguing with those that liked something you didn't simply because you are so insecure that others can't POSSIBLY like something that you don't, otherwise the world's gone to the dogs.

Make sure your Stranger Friends have Cola ChupaChups, they make the sodomy fun.

That is all.


I repeat, the ONLY reason Family Guy came back was because Adult Swim aired it in solid airtimes and never changed it, which brought up its fanbase, made Fox realise they had a cash cow and renewed it.

Wasn't it brought back (same with futrerama) because of really high dvd sales? I can't see that happening with Allen gregory, the show hurt others around it, something family guy hasn't done.


Thank you, yes, DVD sales also contributed to Family Guy (and Futurama's) comebacks respectively.

That is all.


And there ain't gonna be enough people willing to pay a plumb nickel for this bilge to make an impact to get anyone to think that it would be wise to bring it back.

The only reason that I could think that anyone would be buy the DVDs for this tripe is if they wanted to use them for a bonfire to display to FOX how angry they are for their idiotic programming.


This show was full of D bags. and whoever liked it or related to the characters are D bags.

If there be a god...than hide from him our most evil enterprise!


Given how much worse "Napoleon Dynamite" is, I agree.

I was almost starting to like the show as well, bizarre but true...


This show is deader than dead and don't hold your breath waiting for any DVD to appear.


Sadly I just read that it has been cancelled!! I was very sad to read, because I found it very funny and was hopeful that it would make it at least a full season. What a shame that TV networks cave so easy! Yeah, it had some humor that some people might not have liked but, there is many other things they can watch. Give me back this show FOX and I will call it even! LOL!!
