MovieChat Forums > Allen Gregory (2011) Discussion > this show is too smart and ..

this show is too smart and ..

.. too gay for most americans, yet I found it oddly brilliant


I agree. How incredibly smart and profound it is to show the detailed sex fantasy that a 7-year old has about an old, fat, school principal. Or having a parent telling that same 7-year old son that he used to be happily married and straight until he finally let some persisent old man diddle him. That's classic entertaintment.

Why promote a show that caters to 3% of the population when the shows before and after it cater to the other 97%?

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I'm sure gay men the world over are really happy to see the predatory, abusive depiction they are receiving here.


"too smart ... I found it brilliant" - translation: I'm an insecure idiot and the only way I can find satisfaction in a world where everybody is smater than me is by pretending I get it.


Who ever likes this show has serious issues and should seek help. It's not funny and quite honestly it's sickening. Why would anyone think it's ok for a principal and a 7 year old to have sexual relations and whats with the forced homosexuality, the guy is being raped but it's ok cause it's a cartoon?


This show is a pretentious pile of dung by guys who are too busy trying to be smart, clever, and ironic. They're so busy smelling their own rear ends that they can't see that the characters on their show are a bunch of JERKS no one can relate to, and th situations so OUT THERE that they aren't funny.

It has nothing to do with homosexuality. The writng here just tries too hard at being smart and snooty.

I'll take The Critic and Mission Hill any day over this beef honeycomb tripe. Both of those shows were trendy, clever and ironic and knew how to be funny at the same time.


you just might be right about that


The son looks too much like Kyle's annoying cousin from South Park.


Yes, "oddly brilliant". That says it perfectly. "Allen Gregory" is both brilliant and odd.

The critics fall in two categories, I believe: teenagers disappointed that this isn't another **South Park** -- a cartoon about little kids pitched at somewhat older kids. But young enough to find throwing toilet words around to be funny.

The second category is, of course, members of the gay community who have greeted this show like the Moslem world greeted the Muhammad cartoons in the Danish **Aftenposten**.

["We have all strength enough to bear the misfortunes of others./"]
--La Rochefoucault


So in your mind there are only teens and gays?

What about 20-40 year old non-gays who like watching funny and interesting television shows, but instead are shown this huge steaming pile of horse dung.

Do everyone a favor and tag your hyperlinks. [ url ] link [ /url ]


For you, professor, there's WWF rasslin' and reruns of "Knight Rider".

["We have all strength enough to bear the misfortunes of others./"]
--La Rochefoucault


I liked it. It's nice to see a show which isn't afraid have quick, snappy dialogue and unconventional characters. It's a bit tiring having four FOX cartoons a man and his traditional nuclear family.

It's a shame people want to hate it without giving the show a chance.

So what if it's wordy? Just because it's not dumbed down, don't mean it's pretentious. Yes, the main character is unlikeable but he's supposed to be! In no universe are we suppose to look at a 7 year old wine drinking snob who talks down to everyone and think "gee, what a swell kid".

The only issue I had with the episode was the parents, especially when Jeremy starts talking about his family and being straight. I can imagine that was funnier on paper than it was on the screen but hey, no show starts out perfect!


The creator has said it is meant to be pretentious, so that means u nut jobs who are defending it for not being pretentious are idiots. This show sucks.
as for the dickhead who said critics are 1 of 2 categories. GTFO, im neither gay or a teenager, I'm 30 and married. Probably more than i can say for you. I don't like WWF or what ever the wrestling names is these days. so don't think that anyone who hates this has a low I.Q. I like funny quirky shows and this is neither. It's revolting and anyone who does like it needs professional help. How can a show about a snooty 7 year old be funny? Ok lets throw in a gay father and a father who is straight but forced into a homosexual relationship. Oh and he needs a sibling but they can't be a rival so hey someone from a 3rd world is always fun to laugh at. And now a love interest, hmmm oh yeah i think he should have coitus with his principle. Yep that sounds like a winner!


Bergman's early work is too smart for most Americans. James Joyce is too smart for most Americans. This show is just garbage.

And if you really think the homosexual community likes these kinds of pretentious two-dimensionsal stereotypes, you need to make more gay friends.


This show is neither smart funny clever thoughtful or intelligent.

There are so many other shows that have had similar content but because of sharp writing and fully fleshed out characterizations are so much better than this trash.

The old BBC show Are You Being Served? had a character (Mr, Claybourne Wilberforce Humphries) who was written as a mincing gay stereotype but the writers (David Croft, Jeremy Lloyd)never felt the need to over emphasize it or make cruel jokes at the characters expense, they also never ever felt the need to directly say the character was gay instead choosing to heavily imply it by using specifically chosen phraseology like "What makes you all think it's a him?" as a response to his co-workers inquiries when the character would talk about one of his "friends" and subtle situational elements like the character talking about undergoing "special therapy" as prescribed by his doctor as a reason for going to see blue movies.

Mr, Humphries was never written as cruel spiteful or vindictive, even when the character was supposed to be angry you could still see that he was at heart a kind caring compassionate and decent man who could relate to those around him understand their problems and offer friendly advice came from the heart and didn't consist of saying "go *beep* yourself" like the dad character on this show does.

In comparison the Richard character on Allen Gregory is just a stuck up prick who happens to be gay and uses his being gay as an excuse for being that way rather than just admitting to himself that he is an unlikeable jerk who really needs to get hit by a bus.

"I'm living right next door to hell"
(Guns N' Roses)


you are 100% right.. this is too "gay" for Americans. I think this crap show is perfect for the UK and Canada. Especially since all good TV shows come from the US. PLEASE GOD... send this POS show to the OP's country bc he finds this bland, obnoxious, horrible show very intellectual. You sir.. need help.
