Worth seeing?

I like Will Farrell but this movie wasn't in theaters very long where I live in CA. I was curious if ppl would endorse it or not?


I was surprised how entertained I was. Farrell is his usual self, it was Zack who was really good. If you follow politics I think you will find the over the top humor quite satisfying.


Oh, and if your IQ is extra low the movie is extra funny, too.


Red Box worthy for sure but I wouldn't go out and buy the blu ray.


It's absolutely hilarious, ridiculing americans at its best


I didn't laugh, but I wanted to watch Aykroyd and Lithgow.



Think Anchorman 3.0. Same sort of approach, but 10 times funnier.

For me, it was much, much funnier than I thought it would've been.

I watched it on a Virgin Atlantic flight. Could not stop laughing. People were giving me the eyes and all that.


10 times funnier than Anchorman? That's the least true statement I've ever read on the internet.

What can I say about that suit that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan?


I wasn't a big fan of the Anchorman myself...

Everyone else seems to be though.


Maybe they wondered if you had some type of retardation. Maybe they were concerned you were choking on a peanut , because they knew you couldn't be laughing at such a bad comedy.


I say no. I didn't laugh a lot during this mess. The only scene that had me chuckling was the werewolf scene in the woods. The rest are stupid penis/fart/humping or the likes jokes and mostly jokes that aren't funny, at least not to an european audience. To me, easily one of the worst movies in 2012 and i actually like Will.


Not sure what that movie that last post was about, as I don't remember any werewolf scenes in The Campaign! We definitely found it hilarious, laugh-out-loud all the way through.


The scene after he got bit by the snake and went into the woods, covered in smut and dirt... he then suddenly ate a racoon or anything alike. I found this scene to be funny. The rest of the film wasn't. And I mean it. Not funny at all.


this movie is not funny at all


If you're a Will Ferrell fanatic you might like the movie, otherwise I'm not so sure. I personally didn't like the humor much, which is okay because humor is highly subjective, but I loathed the tacked-on sentimental "these guys really have a heart" moments that are just so cliche. Also didn't find the transparent political humor or tacked-on attempt to make the "bad guys get the comuppence" at the end very much.


Werewolf scene. I didn't see that. Oh, maybe I drifted off.

