MovieChat Forums > The Campaign (2012) Discussion > Surprised this movie isnt being discusse...

Surprised this movie isnt being discussed more given Trump

and the real campaign going on.

Cam Brady is essentially a younger, better looking, more intelligent version of Trump.


me too man I'm shocked, I just saw this on tv and came here just for that reason....thought there would be a bunch of ppl talking about this election. I think trump mighta gotten some inspiration for his campaign strategy from this movie lol


any idiot who thinks killary is a better choice with her constant lying and blatant corruption to be president over trump deserves to get punched in the face. cam reminded me more of the crooked liberals then anything.


Haha. And literally everything out of Trump's mouth is a lie. Is it not?

But fundamentally he is clinically mentally unstable. He is morbidly nacissistic, delusional, wants to have sex with his daughter, pathological lies, ignorant of basic economics and policy, and what's worse doesn't care, has no impulse control, and has all the signs of a sociopath, if not a psychopath given his violent remarks throughout the campaign.
He's not a self made man. He inherited a respectable busness from his dad and turned it sleazy. He declared bankruptcy numerous times, has a sleazy university. Doesn't pay his workers. Has never personally given anyhjng to charity. He takes every government subsidy possible while railing agains the immigrants and others who use them. He just literally has not a skngle redeeming quality. Name one. I dare you.
Hillary at worst talked like a lawyer and danced arojnd facts with no malicious intent. Never mind everytbing positive she has accomplished in her life. And her wisdom.

You're right An insane person is the better chocie.


lol, you must work for killary's campaign.... how is the crook's health ???? is she gonna drop dead any minute now???


Watching it now and thought the same thing!


i saw it the other way around. Cam Brady was the establishment candidate, just like hillary. Zach, the terrible actor was Trump's character. WHich anyone who isn't naive to the media narrative sees that Trump wants to break the statist hold, just like zach the terrible actor breaks the statist hold with the chinese investors.


I could totally see news of Trump in a portapotty banging some random lady that's not his wife. Haha not just that but a lot of the other ridiculous things that was said and done. I'm no Hillary fan but you have to be blind to not be able to see the obvious comparison of Trump and Cam.


Probably because it is too depressing. It is really bad omen for America that The Campaign has suddenly become the most realistic movie out there, especially if you realize how far-fetched the happy-ending actually was.
