MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > So Pakistanis speak Lebanese now?

So Pakistanis speak Lebanese now?

This is beyond hilarious at the lack of research hollywood propaganda goes into when accessing a foreign country.

There was a scene where three Pakistanis are talking to each other in Lebanese... Not only is Pakistan not even remotely close to Lebanon, they don't even speak *beep* arabic...

wtf is this *beep* and how did this movie get so many nominations?

Oh yea, it was about USA being super amazing and defeating everyone and saving the world... right...



The movie already is a propaganda genre. I am saying that usually propaganda movies tend to not do enough research since most of them is attacking other countries (who dont speak english) and make USA look better.

In these type of movies, languages and accents are often presented in a wrong way. Now I can accept two Arab countries sharing the same accent to a certain extent, even though in the same Arab country you have different accents of Arabic Language (just how Southerners speak differently than, lets say, New Yorkers), but to have two countries who not only do not share a border, but they are on opposite side of the continent share the SAME arabic?

Thats just sad, and it shouldn't be glorified by Oscar and other Awards nominations.



Ye be specific what parts about the movie (specifically the non-fact parts) makes you feel that it is a propaganda piece?

It actually got massive criticism for showing Americans torturing prisoners AND that torture leading to correct answers. It also showed Americans massively f-g up (the CIA suicide bomb that really happened) etc. It also didn't depict Arabs and Muslims as monsters or as complete blank slates.

To me as a non-American it felt pretty level headed compared to many other war-time movies like Saving Private Ryan's depiction of Germans.

As for your comment about languages - I doubt it had anything to do with research and all to do with budgetary/simplicity reasons. Most people won't notice the difference. All movies get tons and tons of stuff wrong. Sometimes it's laziness, sometimes it's budgets, sometimes it's artistic license etc. And in any casy - the language flub in ZD30 has nothing to do with whether the movie is a propaganda piece in my opinion.



People labeling this film as propaganda don't seem to fully understand what propaganda means.



Hollywood can be so f-cking stupid when it comes to language, especially when Arabic is involved. Pakistanis speak Urdu and Pashto - These languages are Indo European and would have more in common with Spanish, French and English than Arabic! Lol...

In the 2008 film Taken, the Arabic characters were speaking in a dialect that is equivalent to the Queen's English dialect -- Which means nobody even speaks it, unless if you're a newscaster. I mean, a tough man holding a gun, shooting people, speaks with a refined newscaster Arabic dialect? Lmao

And don't let me start on this film's pathetic linguistic error...
