MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > This movie is overrated because...

This movie is overrated because...

The movie doesn't feel like it does anything new with the war in Afghanistan, and since you know how it ends, it is predictable. That is okay for true story movies, but I feel the movie was not very interesting building up to the end.

Plus I didn't really care about the main CIA character. She is just an over ambitious work-a-holic, who's passion is driven but as a person is just... meh. I just didn't really care about her quest that much, that she would go through all the trouble, including jeopardizing her career. Especially when she is not even sure that Bin Laden is there, yet she keeps saying there is, just because she is that ambitious.

I mean if you compare this movie to JFK, for example, I felt there was a lot more themes present, and a lot more surprises and story layers. Both movies are about tracking down terrorists. But for some reason I felt Costner's motivations and cared about him more than this woman's. I don't know, perhaps it's just the story underneath it.

Plus this movie was under controversy cause of it's depictions of torture, but... has anyone who has thought the torture broke new ground, seen 24, or Taken, or any movie involving torture for information? This is nothing new. Not that it's a criticism, but it's not a revolutionary movie either, and been there seen that.

I think the only reason why this movie is popular is because it's the ONLY movie about the hunt for Bin Laden, and I bet if five more came out, this one would not be considered so great, or so supposedly controversial.

What do you think?


I think it's a great, tense, captivating thriller.


Keep in mind OBL wasn't dead when the first scripts were done and much of the prep work had was finished. It wasn't --supposed to be-- about the killing of OBL.

It was good fiction. This isn't Frontline. Yes, I enjoyed it.

She is a lot like you, the dangerous type...


Plus I didn't really care about the main CIA character. She is just an over ambitious work-a-holic, who's passion is driven but as a person is just... meh. I just didn't really care about her quest that much, that she would go through all the trouble, including jeopardizing her career.

You didn't get the character, unsurprisingly, and you're contradicting yourself. If she was "over ambitious", she wouldn't have "jeopardized her career".

Especially when she is not even sure that Bin Laden is there, yet she keeps saying there is, just because she is that ambitious.

She *is* sure, that's the whole point. And you should look up the word ambitious because I don't think it means wht you think it means.

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