Pro U.S. Propaganda.

Turns out this is a movie based upon total falsehoods.

Hollyweird backed up by the Entertainment Industrial Complex and Madison Avenue want you to beLIEve that this movie is based upon a true story.

The Agents of disinformation have filled this movie with misinformation and falsehoods.

Not to mention I question the story of the seals that made entry into the bedroom of Osama bin Laden.

Yea keep beLIEing some redheaded chic at the C.I.A. was the anchor behind the scenes of this fictional story.

Notice in interviews with the SEALS not once do they mention that she was a person that carried the weight of the mission.

They're trained to lie and deceive not to mention they're all writing books about the mission.

Trying to make themselves look heroic.

Frackin bunch of cowardly liers.


I agree with you. Check out the facts on Frontline "Politics of torture." Keep spreading the truth. I am ashamed that we allowed torture and believed the lies of the war criminals Cheney and BushCo.


Use yer FREAKIN' HEAD !!! All they had to do is "talk" - said what they knew so as to
save civilian lives. How the FRIG can you feel sorry for the scum who wants to indiscriminately KILL your loved ones and CONDEMN those who sacrifice their lives to save YOURS ?? !! You make me physically ill ....



There may be falsehoods and inaccuracies in the narrative shown in the movie. But what is undeniable is that the US got Bin Laden, who was hiding in Pakistan.

Someday, someone should make another movie about the US duplicity and dishonesty in shielding Pakistan from massive international censure and sanction. All along, the US was chanting "Afghanistan", as if that was the only problem. But the real problem lies in Pakistan, which is the giver of sanctuary, trainer and armer of terrorists. And in Saudi Arabia which is the ideological fountainhead and massive fund giver to Islamic terrorists. Unless the US is willing to take action against these two crooked, slimey countries, it will not strike a serious blow to Islamists and Islamic terror. The actions will be cosmetic or half hearted.


There's a really good documentary by a guy called Adam Curtis named The Power of Nightmares. It touches on some of the subjects you've raised....

"Hot lesbian witches!"


all of the information about the process of finding Bin Laden has not been released, so it's possible she as a character does not actually exist, and she was simply a vessel to tell an engaging narrative from. Since you are probably right that no one person had that much control over finding Bin Laden, the film would have to focus on way too many people, so instead who they simply amalgamated everyone into the protagonist.


That would have been cool and acceptable had they been honest and told everyone that and explained exactly in detail what you said.

However nope they decided to lie to everyone and let the lie be repeated to sell this propaganda.

Noway should they not be called out and held responsible for these lies and falsehoods.

This is typical behavior of Hollyweird backed up by the Entertainment Industrial Complex and Madison Avenue to get you to beLIEve in order for you to buy into thier bs.

Agents of disinformation spreading misinformation come in all shapes and sizes.


It is a somewhat wretched and not slightly disturbing story of the search for a terrorist, and the cost paid in lives used, lives spent, lives destroyed, and lives wasted. It forces the viewer to decide for themselves whether, in the end, this cost was justified. For this it has been branded as Pro-America, Anti-America, Pro-War, Anti-War, Pro-torture, Anti-torture, invariably all over the same issue (depiction of torture). In almost every case the accuser was a film critic, not a political historian.

Due to the necessary constraints of the traditional Hollywood timeslot the film has been branded as derivative, overly expansive, overly-detailed, not detailed enough, seditiously overaccurate, or just plain wrong; the director has been characterized as fascist on one side, as communist on the other; in almost every case the accuser(s) had no idea what they were talking about.

We know certain things: there was this guy named Osama Bin Laden, he was a bad guy, and now he's almost certainly very dead (or in a safehouse in Omaha raising anteaters, in which case he was One Of Ours from the start, so, no worries there). We know there was a fortified mansion in Abbottabad, and we know the Americans left some very odd bits of hardware there one night- the same night that the Bin Laden guy was said to have been killed (or taken to Omaha). The Pakistani government was either played for patsies, fools, or were willing participants in some kind of raid... either way it works out pretty well for them, given the complex politics of the region (so, no worries, there).
All in all everything got wrapped up in a neat little bundle- reassuring for those who believe in neat bundles, and fodder for the conspiracy theorists. In other words, everybody's happy... aren't they?

I would say the film got one of those versions more or less right, within the constraints of the Traditional Hollywood Timeslot. So the old adage is correct: You can't please everybody.


Or...What Hollyweird backed up by the Entertainment Industrial Complex and Madison Avenue say: Tell a lie long enough and it becomes the truth.


Or...What Hollyweird backed up by the Entertainment Industrial Complex and Madison Avenue say: Tell a lie long enough and it becomes the truth.

"What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?" - William T. Riker



Thank You for that YouTube link that proves more than My point.

How odd and completely ironic that Seinfeld says out loud what Hollyweird backed up by the Entertainment Industrial Complex and Madison Avenue promote on a daily basis.
Notice though it goes right by everyone on the subliminal and subconscious level. Instead of questioning it everyone just laughs it off.
Meanwhile Hollyweird backed up by the Entertainment Industrial Complex and Madison Avenue are,laughing at all of us.






Yes, totaly agree!
