MovieChat Forums > Murph: The Protector (2013) Discussion > Discuss the movie, not LT Murphy

Discuss the movie, not LT Murphy

As a movie, this sucked.

Nice (though long) obituary, but a documentary? Wasn't even good propaganda.

If it had been a documentary, they would have at least interviewed some of the people he beat up because he thought they were picking on the underdog. They would have shown more of his training, and excerpts from his life. etc, etc. Obviously biased statements from friends and family doesn't constitute a documentary.
I'll bet we could put together 'documentaries' showing what great people Stalin and Hitler were, simply by only selecting videos of their supporters. (No, I'm not trying to put Murf' in their class, just using extreme examples.)

It gets old having the dad repeat something nice he said, then having the mother repeat what dad said, then vice versa, or having a friend repeat things he did or said. This long an obituary with no hymns or sermon, would have made for a very long tedious funeral service, just as it did the 'movie'. A 20 minute obit' is plenty long enough.

It only qualified as a movie because it was in video format.
Not even a documentary.
False advertizing on the 'movie' makers part, as well as IMDB's. somebody should have made it clear right up front what it was.

LT Michael P. Murphy himself may deserve a 9 or 10, but the 'movie' deserves a 1 or 2.
The only reason it's rated so high is that people are rating Murf', not the movie.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I found this one very disappointing.

I would also like to ask the IMDB sensors to please not delete this just because it wasn't positive.


And who forced you to watch this? You could have turned it off anytime you wanted.


Actually, I thought the obituary part was being used as an intro to the documentary, till it was over half done, though my suspicion that they never were going to get to the actual documentary grew stronger as it progressed.

I don't think anybody's EVER forced me to watch a movie, but I would never comment on one that I didn't watch all of, and actually I kept waiting for the documentary part even as it approached the end.

Are you saying you were forced to watch it?
Did you disagree with me on any of my points?

I concede your point that I could have turned it off anytime, same as any movie.
The ability to turn off or walk out on a movie doesn't effect whether it's worth recommending....


Well he obviously had to watch it to form an opinion on it
