
Why the hell is one of the main characters being blamed for being a witch for being a scientist?? The movie is said to take place in 1751, witches were not a thing anymore back than, this was only heavily present a century before that. Especially in the start where she enters a astronomers shop and adjusts his telescope he freaks out and yells WITCH!!! And than the worst part after all, the British hire a witch of their own to help them out! Who the hell wrote this crap?


People were still deeply religious and not well educated at that time. The Salem witchcraft trials had taken place only a half century earlier. Superstition does not go away so easily. A Tennessee man was prosecuted for witchcraft as late as 1833. In 1878, a woman sued a man claiming that he had caused her bodily harm using witchcraft, called the Salem witchcraft trial (1878), but the case was dismissed.
