Why people bash On Stranger Tides so much?

I find it A Okay.

True, it is a little different, but then again, the villain Blackbeard is easily the coolest one, that "noble" mermaid girl is gorgeous, Queen Ann's Revenge is one cool and fine vessel and the ending (Blackbeard's death) is brutal.

Especially I love how the ship accelerates from still to full speed just by touching his sword.

I enjoyed it quite a lot. To be frank, I don't really understand why people dig Will Turner so much. He is annoying as f'ck for the first three films. He only gets charisma and coolness as he takes over the Dutchman and goes "dark" with a grey bandana at the end of third installment. I couldn't care less about his character before that.

It's like with the Star Wars prequels - the fan base is against them, but I find them very comparable if not even more enjoyable than the first three installments.

Battle for Anakin's soul and Amidala's death are among best moments on film.


you have odd taste. it's just your opinion so you aren't necessarily "wrong" but there's a reason why the 4th film is generally regarded as, by a wide margin, the worst of the bunch.

sure, there were great parts in it. blackbeard was solid (lol at calling him the coolest villain come on). the ship was nice. plenty of things were fine about it but by the time OST came out there was such a standard set by the first 3 films. OST did not meet that standard at all.

i felt like they lost much of the serious, darker tone of the early films. this came off as "another jack sparrow adventure" especially with the silliness around his girl penelope cruz.


I understand. You're right. My tastes are a bit different.

But more relaxed tone - "just some Jack's adventure" - of the film really suited me well, it felt refreshing. And, naturally, when it comes to juicy action parts - nobody can say that movie doesn't deliver.

They let other people for a change in to do the character work, it showed that not everything has to be done within Sparrow-Barbossa-Turner-Swan rectangle to pull off an excellent POC flick. Only Barbossa-Sparrow duo offers an interesting approach.

Ian McShane is god among "pirates". The other villains are Barbossa, Davy Jones and Cutler Beckett - also extremely good. But Blackbeard really does it for me. Add also that Spaniard and you have some charismatic bad guys right there.

I am not saying it's better film than the first three, just underrated a bit perhaps.

I had lots of fun with that one too.


Blackbeard was easily the most boring and least menacing POTC villain. I can't understand how anyone can rank Blackbeard over Davy Jones and Barbossa. And that climax was just a disgrace when you compare it to the high octane climax battles of the previous films.


That's all true. I do seriously dig the fourth one. Just as I do the others before it. To me these are all excellent movies.

Barbossa, you see, is really good in the first one. I have an impression that his character is watered down, some edge is lost, as the franchise progresses.

Davy Jones is more demonic, a bit funny and a walking tragedy - excellent mix.

Blackbeard is mature, seasoned, smooth, ruthless and insane, all at once.

They're all good, Disney surely knows the work, but Blackbeard could eat Barbossa or Beckett for breakfast IMHO and burn that Davy Jones alive.

He is like Darth Vader among little children.

If you ask me there should be a POC movie made where Sparrow faces some evil twin demonic version of himself. This is probably bad example but like Venom from Spider Man or something. :D


I'll just repeat what I said. Blackbeard was a big yawn. Eating Barbossa and Beckett for breakfast and burning Jones alive is a fantasy. He couldn't even deal with one legged barbossa, let alone Barbossa and Jones at his fiercest. He was more mean than evil. He was such a massive disappointment and I was really looking forward to him.


Ok. I had to state my opinion. :D

F'ck it they're all good. But tell me, how do you find that mermaid?

I remember I couldn't get my eyes off her. :D

Way more beautiful than Scodelario or Knightley.

That fin bothers a bit, but her face is incredible.


She was pretty hot, but that whole love story made no sense and I found the resolution somewhat weird. Knightely was pretty hot as well.


It relied too much on Jack's goofy-ness. It was too colorful and just happy, rather than what we got used to in the first three movies. On Stranger Tides felt very much like a parody rather than a sequel. With that said, I do have to admit that I enjoyed it the first time I saw it, but I wouldn't want to watch it over and over like the other ones.

This is a signature. Just wanted to point that out.


I couldn't watch neither of them too often. Once you see one, you also have to watch all of them.

And since those are long epic movies that makes sure I can only do them every 2-3 years or once a year at most.

If I'd watch it all too many times, like twice per year, I'd get very tired of it and I don't want that.

Soundtrack is unforgettable.


Yeah I get what you mean. I like to watch the same movies a few times a month, each time I focus on something else. The first time I watch it, I just watch it. The second time I focus on how everything looks and sounds. The third times I watch it I focus on the acting etc. etc. etc.

I always find new things when I watch the same movie over and over.

This is a signature. Just wanted to point that out.


The story itself isn't bad but the side characters aren't memorable and the third act is a mess. Plus the 3D and CGI effects were terrible despite it being the most expensive movie ever made apparently. I liked it and gave it 6/10.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


I never watch these big movies in 3D since it's totally overrated. It always brings a risk, if it's bad then the movie ends up meh. Or the glasses aren't always clean as they should be. Higher ticket price isn't really worth it.

Me and my friend were also unlucky when we went to watch 4th because there were six or seven drunk idiots sitting right behind us back then (2011).

Half of the movie we had to listen to the morons making retarded remarks and the other half I yelled at them to shut up.


That's rough. Never had a bad theater experience per se like with other patrons. The worst I recall was seeing Harry Potter&The Chamber of Secrets and halfway through the projector broke. There was almost a riot.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Just saw it last night, I liked it well enough. Not bad but probably the weakest in the series. I sometimes wonder if Cutthroat Island made me more forgiving of pirate movies.

I think that in Stranger Tides Geoffrey Rush and Mcshane were phoning it in a bit. That being said those 2 are such frikkin champions even their phoning it in is pretty damn good. McShane might have been doing a subtle thing, a sort of casual evil. I think the character might have been a bit better as a little more psychopath vs sociopath, though that might have derailed his daughters motivation to redeem him if he was completely *beep*

Rush's Barbosa is my favorite pirate portrayal ever. I understood why everyone was clamoring about Depp when the first one came out but I was much more impressed with Barbosa. There are moments when he is just so goddam into it, I gotta love him. Less so in this one but I think the the best-friendemy scenes with Depp were strong, as they were in the previous films.

I did a voiceover gig with a guy who played one of his crew in the first movie, told me a story about Rush. Said there was this long line Rush wasn't keen on and he asked if he could do it differently. Director said sure and the line was replaced with just a facial expression and it was total gold. Geoffrey Rush is so good he can replace whole swaths of dialog with his face. There were a couple lines that coulda used that in this, maybe the director should have unleashed him more.

The idea of a sword that controls the ship was great. I thought it got lost in the mix with the voodoo doll, bottle ships and zombie guys. None of those panned out. The only indication those guys were zombos was the 1 time dude gets stabbed. I thought the doll would be Capn' Beard's control mechanism to keep Jack in line then they chucked it into a river right when that could have been most useful and the ships coulda been maybe used in some creative way with that sword...instant fleet with 1 guy controlling the lot.

The next one looks interesting. Javier Bardem coming to get Depp, no doubt for having a romantic scenes with his real life wife in this movie. That guy is a champ too. Also, G G G G Ghost Pirates.... Jinkies!


I feel like there was very little effort put into it. They knew they had a success on their hands as soon as the camera started rolling, so why try to make it special. Jack was a total characature of himself. Instead of being cool, surprising, and unpredictable like he was in the trilogy, they seemed to sit down and think of the sparrowest things they could think of to put in the script even if it didn't add to the story. Blackbeard was lame. Angelica was obviously pregnant through the filming, and the new William turner was kind of forced into the story to replace William. Overall the movie was just way too silly. The palm tree escape was dumber than something in the three stooges


OP...you had me until you said the Star Wars prequels were as good(or better) than the original trilogy.

Seriously, dude. Way to undermine your credibility.


I believe it's because they didn't try as hard. Stranger Tides doesn't feel as grand or emotional as the first 3. I mean the last 20 minutes of At Worlds End are phenomenal. OTS is still a fun movie though. Just not as good as the others and the trailer for Dead Men Tell No Tales kinda reminded me just how large of a scale these movies were 10 years ago.


I don't hate the movie, but it's the worst for me.

I liked the overall story, but for some reason, the movie had a cheap look and some set pieces just screamed set for me. Lot of things didn't look real.

Blackbeard was a kinda lame villain, especially after all the hype build around him. His best scene was his introduction but he was a severy disappointment afer Davy Jones. He didn't feel threatening. They should've made him more mythical, scary and menacing. He came across like some old men, who fears death.

The pirate, all pirates fear! Why? Didn't see a reason for that, maybe they fear, that they'll have to pay his pension soon.

The preacher was uncecessary, as was his love story with the mermaid.
The spaniards were unecessary.
The new character didn't work very well.
Barbossa wasn't really used well.
Lack of really funny characters (like Pintel/Ragetti)

Overall: okay movie, but far from a great one.
