MovieChat Forums > Cell Count (2015) Discussion > Entertaining, but all over the place and...

Entertaining, but all over the place and a retarded ending

Better than some, but seriously, storyline went everywhere.

Lastly, I think it's important that you should know that you have just read my signature.


Maybe an example or two would help? The story to me was fairly easy to understand and I disagree that it was "all over the place".


The review has it like a couple going in for an experimental drug are soon in a prisonlike experience. Then it goes into the whole "cure" aspect. I was cool with this plot curveball tbh. But then you have a guy who can tell the future, some something wrapping around some guys head, then all of a sudden their in some place where they;re in the wilderness with people who look like something out of The Hills Have Eyes and no explanation on this point. We have no idea who this guy driving the bus is bur hes presented as someone we should have at least been introduced to. Obviously the convict who murdered his wife is more than meets the eye with both this doctor and this bus driver but we're never told much more than that he;d been through the cure several times and thats it. Than they;re about to go even further into left field where they are apparently in some war zone fighting the doctors old friend who looks like an ancestor of sloth from the Goonies and they end it right there.

As if this was some highly anticipated movie that they saw a budget for a sequel in its future they end it on a note wondering what the *beep* you just watched with some crazy storyline all over the place and nothing to reign it all in. For an IMDB summary that states it as a couple locked in a prison like sequence that threw them off it certainly went everywhere else.

Lastly, I think it's important that you should know that you have just read my signature.


I agree this project was a total failure. The writer lost all traction half way in going all over the place & answering nothing for the viewer. He wrote 1/2 of the film good, sadly the premise was wasted.

Got Zombies?
Now you do.


"then all of a sudden their in some place where they're in the wilderness with people who look like something out of The Hills Have Eyes and no explanation on this point"

Yes that is what made me confused


That's the only thing that confused you!? I'm confused on how this crap got funded!

If someone competent wrote it, directed it, and produced it, the story would have been kick ass, but sadly only retards were running the show on this sh!tfest!

"" luoS siH eM dloS liveD ehT ""




You're a Trolling asshat that has an agenda with this film. Why don't you all do us a favor and piss off!


"" luoS siH eM dloS liveD ehT ""


What agenda is that? I watched it I liked it. Im not in the film business if that's what your insinuating and I have been here around a lot longer then you.

You should really stop making assumptions. It really make an ASS out of U(not ME)

I really liked the film, you didn't now get over it.

I had forgotten all about this movie and havent made a comment in months until you started stalking me everywhere over this film,lulz.

Seriously Get a life, dude..and some professional help, if needed.

Oh, btw, heres another gift:

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Sit on it and spin,idjit.



Actually the other mutated guy shooting at the bus could have possibly been the other doctor in the picture it showed from the beginning of the movie.

Herbert West: Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow.
