'' thank you ''

WHY do they say thank you to jay so much when they know he's about to kill them ??



I thought it was to thank him for a quick death instead of what the cult were going to do. In the case of the nonce film maker, I think he got off worse though

I actually ADMIRE Lance Armstrong because when I took drugs, I couldn't even FIND my bike!


No, the librarian also thanks him even if he's not granted a quick death. Instead he thanks him several times when Jay hits him with a hammer...


But what about Gal? He also says 'Thanks'


My interpretation was that it was the priest thanking the hit man for releasing him from his mental anguish. I'm assuming that, like the pedophile librarian, the priest was up to no good.

I have to say that, I was generally turned off by this film. The lead character was way too cruel, and by the end I was actually rooting for him to die.


The fact u were rooting for him to die shows that the film engaged you enough to have an emotional opinion regarding jays fate. Mark of a good film my friend.


thinking that emotional response makes a good film=mark of an idiot. even a commercial could induce an emotional response. a film succeeds when it moves the viewer towards its own intentions, not the other way around.


You're clearly an american to make such a pompous, whining statement. Emotion in anything (film, music, art etc) equals a reaction of the senses. Job done. You probably weep buckets at adverts for twinkies. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now


Hey, watch it buddy. Not all Americans are idiots. Just like how not everyone from your country is an *beep* like you.



Yes, because only Americans are whiny and pompous... For what it's worth I agree with the remainder of your post, and I enjoyed the film.

I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it!


You'd be the same type of angry, vengeful loser who, if someone had made that statement about you & your country, would say something like "You're an idiot for applying a title/label of that nature to an entire country based on your opinion of a single person"... so what should us non-english do to appease your sensibilities? It seems like a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation, and I'm losing sleep over the fact that no matter what us foreigners do, you'll still pretend to take the high road because you're having a mental crisis over the fact that you claim to hate america, yet you spend your entire life browsing american websites, watching american tv/movies, playing american games, listening to american music, etc, etc, etc... and before you mention it, I realize "Kill List" is a british film, but judging by your profile and pathetically ironic proclivities, it's the only non-american form of entertainment you've enjoyed in quite some time... but you still hate americans though, right? Your first inclination after having discovered how much of a disgusting, misguided person you are is to start typing all sorts of nonsense in an attempt to try and disprove your rebuker, but this will only serve to deepen the grave you've dug for yourself, and the more vengeful nonsense you type, the more you perpetuate that theory. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now...


Wow!! That was VERY well put!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Wow...Remind me to never piss this guy off!

Not only will he slam you with an astute rebuttal, but he'll do it in such a way that you'll feel stupid for not agreeing!

Well played.

P.S. The movie was...Eh, ok.


Ha! Made ya look! :D


Blatant racism doesn't really help your argument. Just because someone has a different opinion then you does not mean you need to revert to such immature and unfounded accusations.

"This is What You Want... This is What You Get"


Yep!!! Deffo ;)


Why does everyone think they are pedophiles? It never says that in this movie. God you Americans have such a hang up on child sex.

The director alludes in an interview that the tapes are women being tortured, probably like the cult gal hung or witht he thorns in her eyes


Yeah, those stupid Americans and their aversion to pedophilia! When will they be enlightened?


I assumed it was children on the video because the movie didn't exactly shy away from explicit gore and violence except for that scene. Plus the main character's reaction. A father--reluctantly taking a job in order to care for his family--breaks down at the site of an unknown video... It's not a wild jump.


I clearly heard a child screaming. Perhaps sounded a bit feminine, but it wasn't an adult woman screaming while Gal and Jay were watching the tapes in the lockup.

We've met before, haven't we?


Neil Maskell, who played Jay, played a very similar character in the UK series "Utopia", and IMHO, did it better.

~~A candy-colored clown they call the Sandman~~


The victims thank Jay because he's the cults' 'chosen one' (unbeknownst to him). The kill list (Priest, Librarian, MP) consists of willing sacrifices. They're honoured to die by Jay's hand.

Concerning whether Shel was in on it... I was never really convinced she was but in connection with the swordfight foreshadowing, one of her lines struck me as a possible foreshadow too. When she first meets Fiona, Fiona comments on a photo of Shel in the Swedish guard and says, "I didn't know they made women join." and Shel replied, "Oh no, I wanted to." Which could connect to the cult, but I'm still not convinced she was in on it.

We've met before, haven't we?


I can understand the pedophilia sentiment, I mean snuff would have a disturbing affect on anyone, like two hardened hitmen like them, but the fact he was a father and he reacted so intensely with a sense of sadness and anger, and the fact the rivet of the final killing was his own son, showed to me that he what he was seeing was a child being tortured, and since The Librarian was implied to being part of the cult, I could understand him doing what he was doing to children. But as you said, the director claims it was a women screaming, I'll need to watch it, but I've noticed he has known to be cryptic in his commentary's, in the tunnel sequence I heard he says "There goes Gal, shooting off when he doesn't understand something" in a round about way of referencing Gal's Christian posture throughout the film, he's the one who wants to prey, he's Irish, and they mention The Troubles ("The whole Irish thing, I mean it's all the same religion anyway" - "eh, not really love") a conflict that was a Christian-charged conflict, as well as a political one.

I feel like maybe he was trying to throw off his audience, some directors are known to do that since they hate giving answers, some of them do anyway since conclusions are more interesting when they come from the viewer. But eitherway, as a Father and a professional hitman, it was interesting to see him take all his anger and effective knowledge and means on the human body and his own brutality out on these men under the impression that he saw a tape that reminded him of his own son, an irony as he'd be utilizing the same brutality in the final ritual.


I did not understand the "thank you", but it's ok, I am pretty much confused about the plot and all the movie.
Being the head of a -I assume- satanic or pantheist cult, which makes human sacrifices, why hire a hitman? This is beyond my comprehension.
Why those cult leaders choosed Jay and Gal? why they want to kill Sell and the child?
I must say I really made an effort to keep watching till the end. And it was a bad decision, I guess. Disappointing.


For most of the movie I thought they were killing members of a pedophlia ring. The first detail that made me think pedophiles was the murder of the priest. High profile pedophiles have been exposed in organized religion. Then obviously the porn stash and the snuff film furthered my suspicion of this group being involved in some sort of deviant sexual behavior. I thought the thank yous were a reference to the main characters past of possible sexual abuse or perhaps he was the victim of a renowned child pornographer. I also thought that his violent outbursts may have been from trauma from his past that was going to be revealed.

This movie reminded me a lot of the first season of True Detective


They were all doing bad, evil things. Even Shel, a screaming meemie who bought a machine gun for her hit-man husband. When the end came for all of them it must have been almost a relief.
