What would YOUR tile be?

If one were interested in making their own set of tiles with a message, what would your message be?

Here are the considered standards... let me know if there are any others.

1. Tile should reference Toynbee
2. Tile should reference movie 2001

Mine would read as follows:

"Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Beauty-Toynbee watched Kubrick’s 2001. HAL9000 sang a kind song called “Daisy: A Bicycle Built for Two” proving that inanimate objects value kind thoughts. Pass kindness on to all."

Frank Beachem


Well, I have a few ideas, but none of them reference Toynbee or 2001... (They're more of parody or satirical tiles)

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


My Tile:

"Toynbee's ideas live. The future is stranger than '2001. Don't let the mainstream media define your beliefs."

That is my idea. Cool post question. I don't know why it hasn't been answered more. So many people on this site are too cool for school.
What is cool is that copy cat tile makers have sprung up around the world. Some people, in my opinion, wrongly believe these tile layers are trying to deceive the public by faking to be Sevy. I believe they simply see the value in using this form of media to get a message across. They see it can be quite powerful. It allows one to avoid the corporate media. Such will be Sevy's legacy.
