MovieChat Forums > Decoded (2010) Discussion > so Scott cant make the shot, is he a mar...

so Scott cant make the shot, is he a marksman?

how can they rule out someone shooting Patten just because Scott cant hit a target? I cant fly a jet, but that doesnt mean no one can.


Oh my God, thank you! Just because that dude was in the Army doesn't mean he's a trained assassin. He's a lawyer, I believe. He was like, "Gosh, I can't do it. We can rule that out." I'm also surprised the fat guy and the dumb blonde didn't immediately look to him for a full backstory on Patton. Also, why was Patton's granddaughter in Germany? Why was some costumed reenactor from a WWII museum considered an expert? Weak.

This show is terrible, but I watch it for some reason.


I think they just wanted to show what was involved. Scott is apparently a Major in the Army reserves. I found it hilarious he couldn't make that stationary shot at 10 yards with a scope. Anybody I know who shoots often (myself included) could have done it with a pistol, with iron sights. He was either messing around or is one of the worst shots ever.
