Why on Earth...

Did Hilly have a British accent? I know at the end it said Merv grew up in London, but to offer no explanation as to why a guy born here in New Jersey has a British accent is sort of ludicrous.

Was he sent to a boarding school there or something? Got to sent to live with relatives when he was a kid?


I think it's because Rickman is English and couldn't pull off an American accent better than he should.


Rickman miscast?



I would say he was. Hilly would have been 42-48 during the time period the movie covers, so having a British actor in his mid 60s and using a British accent was a bad fit.


That doesn't make sense tho because Rickman has played American characters before and his accent was fine (in Bob Roberts you'd never know he was Engligh by listening to him). It would be interesting to find out why the decision was made for him to use his own accent.
