MovieChat Forums > Sons of Guns (2011) Discussion > A privately owned D-20 Cannon...

A privately owned D-20 Cannon...

I'm so glad to know that some random jakhole can own a gun that can level buildings. Thanks NRA

- I have a giant soap box and I intend to smash you with it.


derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp ...

Obvious troll is obvious


Get off the board, Nancy Pelosi.



I believe you cannot have explosive shells either.



Aikoman: It was not Conservatives, the NRA or White People in general that turned Chicago into Chi-Raq or Washington D.C. into Murder Capital 1A. Every time I turn on the news its one of the Presidents and his Parties constituents throwing around loose lead. Thanks Democrat party for failure social welfare programs of the GREAT SOCIETY and WAR ON POVERTY. There Progeny fills our prisons.
