season 6...

The worst part is...

I will watch it. If it has more Vince I will watch it. Cannot stand Will or steph and Kris.

But when you see humble people like Flem who just wants the job done and no bull *beep* and start doing their own thing. (Acadia, mesakenetic research)
Than I will support that. They do some cool builds. Like the first two seasons.

Than when the drama builds Vince quitting, kris stephs staged wedding. Joe getting *beep* on. Charlie under appreciated. Last time I checked if you can dream it we can build it was the motto. If a man wants a taurus blunderbuss it maybe stupid but its his dream.

I would love to seem them do a bigot gun or something like that.

But my real dream is for someone to make is the malcolm reynolds pistol. That would be bad a$$


That's funny, of them all, the once I absolutely can't stand is Vince. I guess to each his/her own.


I could be wrong, but the show seems to be gravitating towards Flem and Vince coming back into the fold.

That would be a bit disappointing. I was hoping Vince and Flem and Joe and Charlie would form a company and put the three stooges out of business.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


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