'Save your breath.'

That's how Will ended tonight's episode, apparently in response to all the criticism kris (and RJ) have been receiving on boards like this.

So, once again, the Almighty Will knows better than all of us and everybody on his crew, including the monkey, is a highly-trained specialist.

Is that why you lost your license, Will? Laughable.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


yea i thought that was kinda uncalled for if you didnt want your people put threw this crap will dont sign the contract with discovery


if you didnt want your people put threw this crap will dont sign the contract with discovery
Or even more simple, don't follow scripts that tell you to act like an @$$ in front of the camera.

It's more BS from a loser who imho, is full of it.


Actually, Will lost his FFL license because the BATFE came in for an audit and there were more than a few weapons that he could not account for. Whoops... did I let that slip out? ;+)



That's what I heard, too.


First off your all wrong and five mins on the net would tell you that! They had a new worker who had incorrectly filled out paperwork, the "missing guns" were actually only receivers that had been destroyed! Not whole entire guns, instead of them being listed as being destroyed, so upon inspection they came up as missing and being as that they were destroyed how can you prove they weren't missing and or stolen! Which is why they we're investigated and inspected in the first, because they had a break in in which two guns that we're accidentally left out in the machine room! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU DROP YOUR PANTS AND SHOW YOUR INTELLIGENCE BY TALKING YOUR OUT YOUR ASS!USE YOUR COMPUTER FOR SOMETHING ELSE BESIDES WATCHING YOUR JERSEY SHORE ( CAUSE THAT'S SO *beep* REAL) AND YOUR PORN LOSERS


And oh by the way it was only 12 recievers missing!


you are pathetic. Sons and Jersey Shore have a lot in common. They are both garbage tv full of made up drama and BS starring crews of half wits that should be shoveling manure out cages.


Rob, that's certainly no secret!


I know, I was just sayin'.
