MovieChat Forums > Players (2012) Discussion > Way too unconvincing

Way too unconvincing

There are lots of things that I didn't understand about this film:
1) How come Charlie, Naina and Bilal load all the gold in their mini coopers in such a short time? We can see a huge truck loaded with like 3,000 gold bars and the mini coopers were too short to accommodate all these gold bars. And in such a short time, how do only three people load like 3,000 gold bars in the mini coopers? Too hard to digest, right?
2) Naina's hacking the traffic system was unconvincing too. How did she put the city into a gridlock by turning all traffic lights to red? Also, we didn't see her turning all the lights back to green. So what we understand is that the whole city was in the gridlock when the entire car chase sequence was taking place. In the original ITALIAN JOB, one guy was controlling the traffic the whole time, putting the traffic lights back and forth from red to green whenever he needed to, making the sequence believable.
3) How did the players make three cars out of gold in such a short time? It took them like a day to make three cars out of gold. I didn't know Indian people are that advanced in technological fields.
4) The robbery scene was made incredibly easy. It was just a cakewalk for the players. No interference from the authority or police investigation after the robbery. WOW!!!
5) Riya's engine works are way too hard to appear convincing. How did she make an illusory engine out of scratch in such a short time? How did she even put the boosters on the train? I never heard of anything like a booster.
6) Ronnie putting illusory devices on the flags of the Russian train is RIDICULOUS! wayyyy tooo unconvincinggggg!!!!
