MovieChat Forums > Parada (2011) Discussion > Great movie-why so many negativism about...

Great movie-why so many negativism about it?

There are many negative reviews of this film and I think people are being to harsh. The most negativism is on how much this movie is stereotypical still every single americsn movie (even those who tend to be subtle) has has way more stereotypes than this one.
I loved this film, and I'm not gay. It was great, funny and sad. It has a good point to.


I agree with you, this is a great movie. I even watched it twice. Also, I have to say that the actors did a great job, especially Goran Jevtic, a very talented actor - he was great in his role as Mirko.


i ja sam volio film. baš je bio dobar... poruka je tu, ljudi samo moraju da zapamte da smo me svi isti... i grew up in that war too but we need to move on and advance and realise that hating people for silly reasons is fuçkîn stupid

Marion Cotillard is super ugly and only nolanites like her


There may be so many stereotypes, but I see them every day around me. The movie is awesome, I agree that people are way too harsh. The stereotypes are used for a reason, intentionally.


Baš da je tako dobar i nije. Ispodprosječan.


The worst gay-themed movie I've seen. So gays are physically weak, feminine, pathetic, drive around in small pink cars, and can't handle a single shot of alcohol? And thousand of other things that I won't even mention. It made me sick in the stomach.


You've got to put this movie into its political and national context, it's not a movie set in a Western metropolis. Just back from a screening with the director and the main actors present, they say that extremely violent attacks on homosexuals are a weekly occurrence in Belgrade. The over-the-top gay cliches in that movie paired with the other exaggerated nationalist characters are a deliberate method to make local viewers reflect on their opinions, quite successfully apparently.

The director in particular is very passionate about effecting change, and deliberately chose not do some art-house political correctness-oozing story because they wanted to reach mass audiences in Serbia. He says this project started for him in 2001 when a gay pride march was literally torn to pieces by violent thugs with the police idly standing by.

A patronising sneer on the internet, decrying non-conformance to this week's Western in-crowd opinions about what depictions of gays are acceptable, is cheap.

I really enjoyed this film, why being fully aware that such a movie wouldn't work were it set in my own country.


You're mistaken about my comment. Yes, I live in a large Western metropolis, but I didn't move here until I was 28 - guess where I moved from. And that was long after all Yugoslavia wars. I understand the political context perfectly well. That doesn't justify the film being extremely badly written, offensive, idiotic and as I said, it made me sick in the stomach, physically. No gay man can identify with those idiotic, spineless, weak, whining characters. Not the gay men I knew when I lived there. There are thousands of other films who deal with attacks against gay people and do not come from the West, and they are not idiotic. See Eyes Wide Open for example.

I don't know how anyone sane can like this movie.
