Valley of the Wolves: Pakistan

So when can we expect a revenge fantasy involving our "favorite" team of retarded Turkish special ed troops killing the American commander of the team that killed that cock sucking son of a bitch Osama? You know they are planning it right this moment.


Hmmm well they did do one about iraq and afghanistan. maybe we'd see one with the Turkish guys defending Mexico from the evil government and supporting the drug lords. Or maybe a prequel how they try to prevent the Jews from causing 9/11.


Maybe the next one will take place in South Sudan. There's a nice muslim revenge story to be told there. Or Kosovo. Nah, Turks are afraid of Serbs. Nevermind.


what universe is that from?


Why is it that killing an American commander, type-casted as a bad guy, is any worse than the standardized Hollywood action-formula of killing Middle Eastern terrorist fodder?

Perhaps it is only good you receive more of this extremely proper treatment of Americans. You must become desensitized to it, just like you have expected everyone else to have been desensitized by your maligning of foreign peoples and countries.

There is also another very good remedy for making the world lessen their hate against your country: Get out of Iraq. Get out of Afghanistan. Pull your murdering plastic flies out of the skies of Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Stop picking a fight with Iran. Now would be a good time.

Not negotiable you say?
Very well.

But don't cry about being resisted as the invaders you are when the next American trooper gets his legs blown off when an IED detonates. Don't cry about it when the next hapless contractor gets kidnapped and then symbolically beheaded as an offering of defiance. Don't cry about it when a desperate suicide-bomber, probably driven to it by loss of property and family, goes kaboom in the city square.

Otherwise, be quiet. Eat your medicine. Swallow it. With all your pride. I congratulate the Turks for breaking open the taboo. And because you must understand the gravity of this, let me declare that I am a Greek. Normally, I argue with Turks. Let that one sink in.


I think the only thing you argue with Turks over is who gets to be tops on any given night.


certainly your comment just shows how expert you may be in the topic humm?


Your obsession of sex perfectly portrays the righteous inadequacy of poontang in your life.

Turks and Greeks however agree on one thing: The Americans are war-mongering imperialists who have no regard for anyone but themselves; beyond the strategic value of the Aegean and Cypriot corridor and the Bosporus, no regard is held for the Turks nor the Greeks whatsoever.

You can't see why a movie like "300" would offend the Iranians, but God forbid the Americans are depicted as bad guys, even in a shoddy Turkish movie. No wonder why the whole world hates you.


Not going to defend 300, but I don't give a damn what the world thinks of us, because while we can still fix our country, you and your Turk boytoy will be eating dirtcakes in a few months. If the Turks want to make some *beep* revenge-porn movies, it's their money to waste. Hopefully we evict that spineless piece of *beep* Obama and get someone who finally cuts Europe off from American aid. Time for you smug bastards to drown on your own vomit.


You guys are both morons.

The Greek is an moron because his country is disintegrating yet has the temerity to mention schadenfreude.

You are a moron because you think Europe receives aid from America.


What do you think NATO is, moron?


NATO is a military alliance. Anything else I can educate you about?


NATO is nothing more than military welfare for Europe.


The United States has an interest in maintaining NATO. It's how it brings along European countries to fight in places like Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Libya.


NATO allows Europe to spend less of defense and more on social programs.


I agree with that. But it's not "welfare" or "aid." The U.S. gets something in return.


Yeah, less money to spend on our own children's education and healthcare. What a return on investment that is.


I agree with you that it's not worth it.


Well then, have a nice day.


Thank you. You too.


Wow. All I can say! Very well written, could not have put it in a better way. BTW, how is the situation in you country now (If you do stay in Greece)? Hope things are better.

Owner of Middle Earth!
