Hayden's Performance

I was watching this film for no real reason, mainly out of curiosity and a little bit of boredom.

But Hayden's performance really struck me, especially in the second half. Really, how can you not feel anything for that poor girl? Guilty or not, Hayden's performance was good, believable, authentic.

I got actually surprised there, I wasn't expecting anything out of this movie. I knew much about the case already, and how it would end (convicted, then absolved, then the retrial), but seeing it presented that way, it was something else.

Really, good performance there by Hayden. To me, it was the strong point of this TV program. Looking forward to seeing her in future movies.


That's why I love Hayden. She's very talented acress


It wasn't bad. Only thing I feel for Amanda Knox is that she's lucky. She got away with murder after all. While the film made some factual errors such as her "interrogation" - in reality Knox cracked after around an hour and 15 mins, blaming her boss and knowing details of Meredith's murder that even the cops didn't know at the time- it was reasonably fair, overall.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


Hayden's performance was downright amazing, and not only that but: CONVINCING! A job well done. I'd love to see a successor film for this showing how Amanada had to live in the last several years with this burden, and her eventual release and exoneration.


She wasn't exonerated. She was acquitted under paragraph 2 of article 530 of the Italian Criminal Procedure Code, which is not a guilty verdict due to insufficient evidence. The Supreme court acted illegally in acquitting them, as they were supposed to be viewing the case on points of law, but chose to view it on its merits, which had already been covered at their trial and appeal. By viewing the case on its merits- reviewing the evidence again- they were in violation of articles 617 & 620 of the Italian Criminal Procedure Code.
As it stands, the trial and appellate courts which convicted them followed the law. The two courts which acquitted them had to break it to do so, one getting annulled for breaking the law no less than 17 times to acquit.
Which says it all about Amanda Knox's factual innocence.
Besides, she also wasn't exonerated by virtue of the fact that her callunnia conviction where she falsely blamed her boss for rape and murder still stands and was finalized by the Supreme court so Knox is still a criminal either way you cut it.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!
