Hate these kids

I know they're kids, but seriously, the youngest one looks at least 7 or 8 yrs old, old enough to effing understand, that if a bunch of scary looking ppl are shooting you and your parents you don't cry over a stupid stuffed animal!!!


They're kids! I'm not sure how kids are supposed to react when people are trying to murder them. It's a bit much to expect them to be calm at all times in the situation they were in.

Anyway some of the kids' behavior was surely for dramatic effect, to make things seem even more difficult for the parents.


Kids were a pain in the ass


Yeah throughout the movie they were irritating little worthless brats. Should have been thrown off the roof.


Yup. But mom caught em. Both of em.


I'm sure if you were in their situation you'd have been a total commando. SMH.
