Stupidest cops ever

'nuf said.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


I was expecting them to raise the tarp and then get killed like what happens in many other thriller/horror films.


Agreed. Even with the kids telling them Quaid was crazy and killed one of their friends they did absolutely NOTHING.

This is the one aspect that made this movie so unbelievable for me.


Ridiculous. They told authorities Ely stepped on his neck. Wasnt there an autopsy to determine how he died? Even just visually, there was a wound on his neck. Then the boy's family hands their son to the man accused of killing him...even if they had to travel to the next town to find another mortician!


The cops and Ely (Quaid) played football in school together back in the day, so they were old buds. And it was the kids who broke into the house, which made them lawbreakers in the eyes of the police and rendered their word dubious. Danny's broken neck was explained by falling down the stairs.


