Total and utter snobs

First off, all the casino footage and everything that had to do with actual blackjack was fun to watch. The parts that had to do with the families and church, that was boring and gag worthy.

It's not because I don't enjoy looking at the struggles of day to day life. It's because these people are extremely judgmental and pompous in a "i'm not judgmental or pompous" kind of way.

I heard someone comment how they can't "trust" someone who isn't part of their church. Actually, it's funny because only once did I hear them say "faith" not church. So I take it that not only can atheists not join, but Catholics and other branches of Christianity wouldn't be able to join as well. I guess to them it's not "safe" if you aren't part of whatever church they go to.

I get the idea of having a card counting group full of Christians being cute and kind of funny cause they are so bad ass yet go to church on Sundays. But lets get to the root of why the group only consists of Christians. It's because they are prejudice and elitist bunch. To say it frankly, if you are not part of their little club they do not like you and will not do business with you.

Lets call this out for what it really is, a cult. It's no different then a wacko in California opening up a commune for people who want to worship a space god.


I completely agree. I hate when christians exclude and judge people who aren't a part of their religion. They would throw a bitch fit if they were excluded from something solely because they are christian. Honestly, christians are some of the most judgmental people I know. I know not all of them are guilty of this, but there are definitely a lot of that are.

Edit: Oh, and many of them are also extremely hypocritical, which I hate more than anything in the world besides liars.
