MovieChat Forums > Portlandia (2011) Discussion > Anyone else NOT a fan of Toni & Candace?

Anyone else NOT a fan of Toni & Candace?

The Women & Women bits have been moderately funny in the past, but they're easily my least favorite characters in the show...and they're now dedicating whole episodes and storylines to them?

I feel like S4 and S5 have been a major disappointment! This show was superb in seasons 1 & 2, and I loved zany sketches like "Smooth Movers", "The Doily Shoppe" or "She's making jewellery now"...


Martina Navratilova gave them a bad review on Yelp.


I am not a fan of Toni and Candace. But I like the show overall still.



I dislike those characters, too. But, they definitely do well at making fun of this type of people. Living here in Oregon, I swear I have to deal with at least 2 of them a week. Ugh..


Candace and Toni are my favorite characters on the show! That doesn't mean I would like them personally in real life. (Along the same lines, George and Frank Costanza were my faves on Seinfeld, too, but I would have hated them as real people.) That's why C and T are so funny to me. These supposedly progressive liberal feminists who are so eaten up with repressed hostility and sub-surface violence hits the nail on the head.


I find your avatar of a roaring lion to be very threatening right now.



candace is going to make america great again! 



I think hating them is the point.

my goal as an actress? to remain on payroll 



Agreed, Lance and Nina are the only ones I dislike. Carrie's Lance just creeps me out. Lol


Agree 100%. The Nina and Lance bits all seem to flop! They try so hard for this bit to work.. but it doesn't.
