Why did the....

gay dude and the girl, who was sexually abused by her uncle...get punished in this movie??? Decent concept, but poorly executed!


They were stuck in a purgatory type state, because they couldn't overcome the very thing that they feared. They created their own prison (they punished themselves) and now they had to live in it.

Concept was exceptional if you ask me. Brain Kruase was intense. There was some striking production design and cinematography. Color palates stood out. What hurt it for me was that the characters were cliched, high school student characters 101.


I get all that, but the film(screenplay) could of been executed better...i do agree about the characters though. Should of atleast explained if the kids were actually dead and how they died, or if they were still fighting for their lives in a coma maybe.


They were dead. IE: House of Purgatory. Key word: PURGATORY. To be in purgatory, you have to be dead. The ending could've been better finessed though. The idea of purgatory is that it's supposed to be having to go through Hell for whatever you did in order to get to Heaven. The characters account, watch as they gave the House the power it needed in order to exist, etc. But what happens from there?!?

Purgatory is supposed to be in between. As a result, the finale doesn't make sense to me, b/c there's no transition between the two states.

Anyway, that wasn't really my issue. As I said, the simplistic characterizations were. Complex theme, premise, could've been something special, BUT the characters were handled in the most basic way possible. Think about it for a second. You could take any way that these characters were presented and they would fit right in an After School Special.

For a movie addressing a complex theme, the characterizations needed to be amped up.


I don't think they were dead but anyway...

If you liked the concept check out a 1990s horror called "The Club" with a very similar theme but done a lot better , its excellent. If you can find it tho , its hard to track down.


I wish they would've made them college aged, because none of them looked like highschool kids.
