I'm A Little Confused?

I like to surf IMDB.com for "Coming Soon" movies - so I know what movies to look forward to when they come out.

I got VERY interested in "Where Do We Go Now"? - a movie based out of Lebanon. It shows that the movie will be released here in America on May 12th 2012.

However, when I read more about the film ( all the reviews and what not ), it shows the movie already came out in May of LAST year.

Is this movie being re-released in American theaters now or???

Any of you that live overseas who have already SEEN this film -- can you help me?? I REALLY REALLY am interested in this movie now. I LOVE the synopsis on what it's about.



The movie did come out last year in most countries and it did take a while to be released in the US. It is definitely worth watching.


I am Lebanese, and yes this movie was released last year and I've had the pleasure of watching it twice. I strongly recommend it because it tackles the issue of tension between Muslims and Christians in Lebanon in a very humerous and heartfelt way. The ending was the best part of the film, but I won't give anything away.


It says it's coming out in theaters this month here in America. Hmmm, maybe it was just relaesed overseas last year. At any rate, I'll just order it from Amazon if I can't find it in theaters.

Thanx guys <3


It did the festival circuit (I saw it at the Toronto Film Fest last year), but there's often a huge delay between festival shows and general releases.
