MovieChat Forums > The Fades (2011) Discussion > Wow another great production by the BBC

Wow another great production by the BBC

What can I say ? I've just finished watching the show and it is just amazing... one of the best, most original series I've seen in a long time.

The story is incredible, the plot just wonderful. First time I could actually not guess what was going to happen.

The characters are "real" ... meaning they have a depth I've not seen in a series for a long time.

A masterpiece and truly a great show (just like Being human and the misfits)

Thumbs up for the BBC !

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ... give us season 2 of the show !


Agreed although it started out so poorly. Its too bad really as this show could have used a stronger hook for the pilot. Then by ep 3 the show just takes off like its on crack. Ep 4 was amazing. I love how they don't get all secretive like Merlin or something. This show just gets down and dirty with allowing the characters to see phenomena and put the dots together. I really like that about the show probably the most (although the mythology and character development is also quite good).

My only complaint would be that it could allow for just a tad bit more emotion from the characters. Like when the sister sees her brother use the power on her to close her mouth. That should have evoked a much stronger response. I mean she was clearly more concerned with the friend shagging part and then like literally left it alone after that.

I can't believe how much story is being told per ep. They really keep it moving at a warp speed never slowing down for a minute. If this show doesn't get a second season the bbc is nutz.

I also love seeing the two actors from Skins in here. They are well cast and deserve more recognition I think.



I agree with the OP, this is a really good show and my current BBC favorite along with Being Human.

Esta es mi firma


I forced myself to watch 2 episodes since people claimed it was a good show but I just can't take anymore. The acting is horrible, the characters act in ways that don't make sense and the whole thing is incredibly boring. Goes to show that you should never trust other people's judgement.


I can't believe all the laughable negative comments. I guess some people really have slipped into the sophomoric inanity of game shows and dancing with losers. This is a great show! It deserves more than one season.

The acting is exceptional, the characters are well developed and the story line is not at all predictable. Daniel Kaluuya should win a bafta. His talent should be obvious even to a bunch of losers who have no clue how to appreciate fine acting.

So maybe the genre isn't your cup of tea. Romances and bullshyt Twilight wankathons aren't mine either, but I don't spas out with negative posts on those threads. Show a little restraint and maybe post to where you actually enjoy a show. Or at least show a little bit of constructive maturity instead of trying to draw attention to how puerile you can be.

I wanna see Henry Harold Humphries interrogate Verbal Kint.


Agree. I dunno how "original" it is but in terms of tv its very different to something we haven't seen on tv in years!

I think the characters are very human and react/talk like most people would,

BTW, since it isn't spoiler since the episode aired...I bought angelic killer(john?) story and felt just as stupid as Paul.

This series is great! I'm tempted to download the whole season.


I'm not certain why the fact that IMDB is not a fan site doesn't register with some people, but rest assured, it really is not necessary to laud to the skies the virtues of a show one loves to be able to post here. And that being said, one needn't be a fan of roses, moonlight, and vampires to be of the opinion that this show is dull, poorly acted, and even more poorly written.

If you know your own mind, what is real and what is not, then do as you see fit.


And I'm here to say it's filling the hole left by the demise of Misfits and the Sarah Jane Adventures quite nicely.


True, IMDB isn't a fan site, In fact, sometimes a show is so bad that it can be fun to read all the posts slamming it (The Event comes to mind) but generally neither is it helpful to others when posts are merely denigrating without offering constructive criticism.

I wanna see Henry Harold Humphries interrogate Verbal Kint.


I love this show. I am old enough to be Paul's mother (okay, barely) but I really like the characters and the awkwardness is just part of it's charm. The character of Mac is probably my favorite, though. I see great things in Daniel Kaluuya's future. Nanu nanu!

I really hope it gets another series. It's nice to watch while waiting for Being Human (BBC, not US)

"Real vampires don't sparkle..."


I agree with the OP that this is a well-done, interesting new show. And it bothers me that the negative posters here have made cavalier statements like "It's boring" or "badly written" without backing up their criticism with any convincing arguments. Anyone can visit a board and say that a show "sucks," but unless he/she provides some reason WHY it sucks, the statement doesn't carry much weight. So yes, of course we have a right to freedom of speech on but if we condemn something without giving the reason why, that's just trolling.

I have a short attention span myself, but I was literally on the edge of my seat during the first two episodes of TF and so were my friends. So the "boring" comment doesn't seem to apply. As to the charge that the show's "badly written," I beg to differ. The storyline is very fast-paced, so fast that if you blink, literally, you might miss something important, and it's also weird and eerie with a cast of characters (especially the teens) who seem very real. It's always good to see psychological realism when the subject matter is total fantasy, which is what TF manages to pull off perfectly. (Buffy did the same, which is why Buffy worked so well.) Paul is introduced as a sensitive, maladjusted kid who's unhappy about his parents' divorce, who's bullied by his sister and unpopular at school. On top of all that he sees these horrifying visions and gets dragged, against his will, into a dangerous supernatural battle between the living and the dead! Plenty of angst there, and he plays it to the hilt. And his mouthy pal, Mac, is a pure delight. (Love that guy!) I also like many of the older characters, especially Neil, Sarah, Sarah's husband the teacher and Paul's Mom. I'm hoping that TF stays on the air a long, long time! In my opinion, it's a winner.
