
Think that this film is one of the ones that would be up for any? I know it's a long way off and we don't know much yet but if the poster is anything to go by, seems like it.


It doesn't seem like it. It has an early release date, either March or April. It is not the usual date for movies with award possibilities. Nice looking poster though and they certainly are taking time putting it all together, like poster, music, marketing, trailer dates, publicity, etc. To me it means, a well thought promotion of the movie.

I am looking forward to it.



The pieces of the promotion have been class A and classy. They may think they have a feel good audience picture here.


I'm going to vote no. (Then again, I don't watch too many of the top-nominated movies each year.) Without giving away any major details, the movie felt very limited in scope. It needed a little more bang or pizzazz or something. The older audience members seemed to enjoy it though. I think the target audience is the 60 and older demo, and skewing toward women.

The concept is OK. Not great, not terrible. I just wished they did a little more with it.


No. It's just a small, good movie. The only possibility would be Pacino for Best Actor, but I don't see that happening. It's not that kind of role, I think.

But it was good, wasn't it? I liked it.
