if Texas were to divide itself

Lots of discussion about how Texas could have divided itself.

Wonder how it would have done that, had it happened. Since as the show points out the eastern half is basically a southern state and the western half a western state, that suggests one possible way. On the other hand, would the western half want to have an outlet somewhere on the Gulf of Mexico? Using the principles discussed in the book, e.g. sharing rivers, degrees of width and height, communities of interest, etc., how do you think Texas might have been divided?


Geographically and commercially, El Paso is heavily linked to New Mexico, even its telephone system is linked to that state, rather than the rest of Texas.

Still, El Paso is much better off as part of Texas, which is more business friendly than New Mexico. The problem with splitting up Texas is that you might get some new states that are inferior to the whole. No Texan wants that and that's why you never see a push to divide the state.





Found out that the movie Bernie discusses the different parts of Texas:

The IMDB site says, "Create a new list", but how could I create an old one?
