The double tap.

Another movie illustrating how valuable it is!!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Thank you!! We said the exact same thing.


What's a double tap?


Maybe the mug being tapped on the cell bars to grab attention? I'm guessing.


"Double tap" is a reference to Zombieland with Jesse Rosenberg and Emma Stone. One of the main rules for survival in a zombie apocalyptic world is "always double tap," meaning that when a zombie was shot once and was down, you never walk away without ensuring it's dead by blowing its brains out. This rule would've come in handy here, when Sturgess's character dropped coal on Mickey. He should have ensured his incapacitation before leaving; if he did, the spiked champagne idea would've gone smoothly.


Hard to double tap with a single shot derringer.


Do they still make those? Perfect little thing for a pocket. Besides, I don't know about the champagne trick anyway--I imagine it would be quite hard to inject into a bottle under such pressure.

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
