saw the trailer. I actually held it together until he asked whether people thought china wouldn't eventually ask for their money back. LOL. I mean honestly, how dumb do they think audiences are these days? Chinese microchips all being disabled? ohh right and the government collapses because of no technology right? I guess we can discount the fact we ran a government for 200 years before using computers, but hey.


You don't think that what the government near-entirely runs on now - being shutdown in a day - would have any repercussions or make us vulnerable? Also, what do you think debt is? Something that can sit around forever & never have to be payed back? Your comment is a little ignorant, but hey.


There is a large difference between repercussions and collapse. Of course there would be repercussions. No I do not honestly believe there would be a collapse. Pick any traumatic event in history and you will see people come together faster to solve the problem, not run away from one another allowing it to collapse. Even if we assumed there was some magical way to disable all chinese chips, it would have a great negative impact, but not a collapse.

Secondly yes I understand what debt is. But this is taking an extremely complex issue and making it so black and white. The two big things to consider is:

1.) China makes up only 1/16 of our national debt. This always gets blown out of proportion because they make up roughly 1/4 of our foreign debt which is the number thrown around the most. Social Security and medicare comprise a vast majority of our debt.

2.) If china demands payment, we would be able to pay them. It would not be easy, but still well within our federal financial means that we currently are living outside of. To put it in to perspective the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 or the (bailout) was 831 billion in borrowed money. We currently owe the chinese 1.3 trillion. Is it a lot of money? yes. Would it have a negative impact? Yes. Would it make us finally consider entitlement and tax reforms our politicians have been ignoring for the sake of getting re-elected in a few years? yes. I can assure you the U.S has the financial means to pay back 1.3trillion. Do I think our spending is out of control? Absolutely but........

3.) There is no incentive for the Chinese to attack us either through military means or cyber warfare. the truth is an attack on us would have a much larger impact on their economy than it would on ours. It would be bad of course for both of us, but it wouldn't make any logical sense. The last two decades has shown us one real truth...China has made better financial decisions than us in many cases. Why would we assume they would make a bad one now?


Finally a voice of reason! I saw the trailer and just had to laugh at how sophomoric the whole movie is. The writer needs to go back and finish 7th grade...


Yep ctrilling explained it.

The only people who work to destroy America are the republican tea party at this point. They are the real threat, not china.

Take for instance the recent government shutdown over the supposed debt limit and the claim by tea party republicans that its the presidents fault. When you look at it, its all their own fault, and its explained here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIbkoop4AYE Basically congress points a gun at their own head so they can cause a mess and blame the president, the debt limit is arbitrary and its entirely of their own making, they have all the power to fix it, so its petty politics, and that's what will destroy America, not china. Right now the repub tea party act like drunk morons who point a gun at their own babies head while making demands. If our country fails we have no one else to blame.


It's very sad that so many people believe as you do. The fact is that non-discretionary spending (interest and entitlements) already consume nearly 100% of federal tax revenues and are set to increase drastically as baby boomers continue to retire and interest rates revert to historical averages or higher. The normal path of all nations at this point is ultimately into hyper-inflationary collapse, and those working to prevent debt limit increases are the only ones trying to save Americans like you from yourselves.


And the answer to all this is to support the Tea Party who spends more time complaining about Muslims and illegal aliens than anything else?

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky



It said in the beginning of the movie that America refused to pay the money. So if they could/couldn't pay is just a part of it.



What's with the personal attacks man? I was talking about the movie, not attacking anyone individually. Relax.... unless you made this piece of Sh**, in which case i'm sorry i'm not sorry.


1.) China makes up only 1/16 of our national debt. This always gets blown out of proportion because they make up roughly 1/4 of our foreign debt which is the number thrown around the most. Social Security and medicare comprise a vast majority of our debt.

I am so sorry to inform you that Social security is not a debt, Social Security benefits are entirely self-financing.


When more is being taken out than put in, it is a debt


What's the general premise behind X Men? Humans with super powers defending humans without super powers from other humans with super powers, also, themselves. What's the premise behind Nightmare on Elm Street? Burned child killer kills people in their dreams, insert corny one-liner, "kill" said killer, rinse & repeat. What's the premise behind The Walking Dead? The dead walk the Earth, though there isn't an exact source of how it happened (such is the zombie film trope).

Before I go on, let me clarify that I am NOT comparing this film to anything listed anywhere in this reply. Furthermore, full disclosure: I haven't seen this film yet, but was curious after watching the trailer.

Now that that's out of the way...

If you're saying that this movie is laughably bad simply because you can't hold your suspension of disbelief makes your argument invalid. I'm pretty sure no one walked out of Iron Man thinking "how dumb do they think I am? I'm not gonna believe a guy can [insert random Tony Stark factoid here]." No one looked at Toy Story and thought, "Well, now I'll have to lock my son's GI Joe collection up, don't want them to start a war while we're not here."

We all know there's no such thing as The Matrix IRL, there's no way in hell that the real-world Kazakhstan is anywhere near as laughable as Borat makes it seem, or any of the characters from Star Trek/Wars ever existed. But with suspension of disbelief, we pause and say to ourselves "what if...?" or "Once Upon a Time..." But I digress.

Is there any semblance of a rational reason (besides not being able to believe a movie that's clearly a work of fiction) to dislike this film? Something along the lines of, I don't know, maybe:

*Bad acting
*Plot holes
*too many edits that make following the story impossible
*horrible CGI/actor immersion
*too many usages of too many tropes
*storyline jumps too many times
*bad cinematography...

Any of that in this movie? Or did you simply not notice because you were too busy bashing the premise?

Bottom line: It's a movie, not a documentary of things to come.

"Only your hatred can destroy me..."


Yes, In this instance I'm judging a book by its cover. However, unlike books, a movie trailer gives you a bit more insight than a book cover does. The trailer looks horrible.

Over 700 IMDB users gave this movie 4/10. I guess you will have to make your case to them as to why this is such a great movie.

Plot aside, I'm not going to apologize for being able to predict based on the trailer what 700 IMDB users eventually told us all; the movie is simply not good.

And the plot certainly isn't helping it get there.

BTW I thought the trailer to Toy Story, Matrix and Iron Man looked good......I guess there is indeed more to a movie being good than the general premise afterall...... who would have thought.


...or maybe you're a Chinese agent, sent to make us all THINK this movie is bad so we won't be prepared when the attack comes! Too bad we've seen through your thin disguise, Mao. I'm burning everything I own with Chinese components right now! Wolverines!!! (The antagonists in the remake are actually Chinese, they just rebranded them as North Koreans at the last minute because it was more "topical")
