Jack Passion

This dude is awesome, he is cocky but also hilarious.


I just found out about this show. He's a jackass but it was hard to dislike him because of how the Austin club treats him but I didn't like him in the Germany episode when Aarne came to stand by him he looked at him like he thought he was better than Aarne. I want to cut his beard off in his sleep


I go back and forth on Passion. On the one hand, yeah he whines and does the martyr complex thing on the show. But on the other hand -- and this is a huge "But" -- EVERYTHING on reality shows is manipulated for entertainment. They script the quotes and verbal exchanges, they edit to make one person the "villain" and another person the "good guy." So you really can't take how he acts or what he says on the show at face value. A lot of people on reality shows know they have to act a certain way to make the producers happy or simply to make the show work, to make it entertaining to watch. So I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until I meet him and discover otherwise.


He's too clearly playing a fictional character to be likable. I like my actors to be professionals.


I knew this guy before he decided to change his name to jack passion. We went to UC Santa Cruz at the same time and we were part of the same core group. Freshman year, he had no beard. A friend and I always referred to him as topher grace because they had similar appearances. As we went from year to year I saw his beard grow and by the time we graduated, he was the student speaker and I remember thinking as I was looking at the program, "jack passion? His name was neither Jack or Passion 2 years ago".


I agree i love the hell out of him, he's an awesome character. Also deep down i think he's a good guy.
