Pat Sayjak

They showed him for about a second on the pharmacy episode. Thought they would have at least interviewed him trying the new menu



I re-watched it today, and I didn't see him. 



He was there. He lives in the area and owns media outlets there as well.

I'd like to be a pessimist, but this is a luxury I cannot afford.—Joseph of Cordoba


I thought that was him. They showed him twice for like 5 seconds when they were trying to put the place back together and Tom was saying I told ya so about what a time consuming pain in the butt restocking the shelves was going to be.



Good catch, wildj7. I didn't even notice him when I re-watched it. But is that Pat Sajak? I don't know...I just pulled up a bunch of pictures of him on Google, and the guy certainly looks a LOT like him. 



Pat's an ugly SOB.
