MovieChat Forums > Expedition Impossible (2011) Discussion > It's an Amazing Race rip-off basically.....

It's an Amazing Race rip-off basically...

I could be wrong...



It's actually nothing like the amazing race if u actually watch it... They only stay in morocco... It's teams of three... And there is no goddamn taxis that screw up people's chances lol.. It's actually very good!


Let's recap:

Teams enter by vehicles en masse in opening sequence - check
Teams assemble together at the start line - check
Host gives them their opening instructions - check
Teams race from the initial pit start - check
Teams have to find specific route markers - check
Teams receive clues with instructions of how to find the next marker - check
Teams have to complete a challenge - check
Last team to check in is eliminated - check
Obligatory gay team, old team, female team, etc. - check

Yep, your right, it's nothing like the Amazing Race. At least it's better than Burnett's last show, Pirate Master.

"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi


With an extremely lame host


and it's all topped off with a big-ass Ford commercial. Yawn...


Well, they are both Mark Burnett shows, so I would expect there to be similarities.... either way, I enjoy these shows... I do agree that Pirate King is one all-time stinker of a show!!! Ha ha! I had forgotten about that steaming pile o' poo!

I met Colin Firth!!!


Well, they are both Mark Burnett shows,

No, Mark Burnett was/is the creator producer of Survivor. Bertram von Munster was/is the creator producer of Race. Both CBS shows, but produced by different companies.

I do agree that Pirate King is one all-time stinker of a show!!! Ha ha! I had forgotten about that steaming pile o' poo!

Agree, terrible show, but it was actually called Pirate Master, trying to cash in on the Pirates of the Caribbean craze at the time. It was actually cancelled mid run and you could only watch the final episodes on line.

"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi


I'm thinking this show will share the same fate as Pirate Master.

~~~~~~Do or do not. There is no try.~~~~~~




Amazing RAce hardcore, we'll see if it maintain the hardore part.

Badder than old King Kong, Meaner than a Junkyard dog


Mark Burnett made a series of TV documentaries called the Eco-Challenge from 1996-2003. Amazing Race started in 2001. Amazing Race may have been "inspired' by the Eco-Challenges. You wanna know hard core? Check out the Eco-Challenges if you can find them. They took serious injuries and someone even died. Think that may have been in the last one they did.

Those pre-dated Amazing Race and were closer in theme to Expedition Impossible. Eco-Challenge was based on traveling from location to location using climbing biking, boat, etc. to get through various terrain. In Eco-challenge, the contestants were more experienced. It was about utilizing the skills adventurers used to come in first place.

Expedition Impossible is the same as Eco-Challenge, with added challenges like finding water and the counting the snakes, also the people have differing degrees of expertise and some have no skills whatsoever.

Amazing Race is based more on travel skills, and local traditions, tourist's activities, and isn't always as physical. The shows are similar but not the same. This is not a rip off of Amazing Race.

I also forgot about Pirate Master. I had fun watching those idiots and trainwrecks thinking that they were really Pirates. I felt so embarrassed for their families. It was a guilty pleasure while it lasted. I wanted to see how it ended and when I saw the episodes were online, I planned to watch the rest, but then I thought, nah.


Amazing Race is based more on travel skills, and local traditions, tourist's activities, and isn't always as physical. The shows are similar but not the same. This is not a rip off of Amazing Race.

Maybe I saw a different show, but what I saw was a pretty distinct rip-off of Amazing Race. While EI may not travel to multiple countries/continents, it still appears to be following the exact same format of Race, from teams starting en masse, finding route markers, getting instructions, performing challenges, checking in and finally last team being eliminated. How is that not Amazing Race? Granted, they may ultimately make the challenges more strenuous or the mode of transportation more dangerous, but if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

I felt bad for the host because you could tell he wanted say something like "latino girls, you are the last team to arrive, I'm sorry to say you've been eliminated" wait, oh crap the other guy already says that ok "um,it's late, I'll helicopter you out tomorrow, your gone". Pretty lame.

"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi


So any race is a rip off of amazing race using your logic. Anyone saying this is a ripoff of amazing race didn't see one of those shows obviously. Where Expedition Impossible is more challenging and seems like an endurance based race, Amazing Race is more about travel experience and decisions/game plan.


I think those similarities you mention are mostly cosemetic, though. And for every similarity they share, they also have an equal number of differences:

1. teams of 3 vs. teams of 2

2. racing around the world vs. staying in one country

3. having to deal with multiple cultures vs. having to deal with one

4. teams not knowing until the next day who was eliminated vs. teams being present to watch the eliminated team take a "walk of shame"

5. depending on the luck of plane/train/bus/taxi vs. not having ANY of those things

6. no roadblocks, detours, speedbumps, express passes, u-turns

*edited* 7. They don't necessarily leave the "pit stop" in the same order they came in; they leave in groups.

...castles made of sand slips into the sea... eventually


That's the facts, jossynda. But people who need to see the show as a rip off will never change their minds even when faced with the facts. This show is as much of a rip off of Amazing Race as the Amazing Race is a rip off of The Eco-Challenge. All they have in common is a similar theme. The details are different.

They will still see and rationalize absolutely every aspect of the show as a direct rip off of The Amazing Race. But at least most of us can see how they are different shows. Some people just like saying something is a rip off no matter what.

It's like, we explain that something is plaid, they'll say still it's stripes, even though stripes don't cross each other. If it's important to them to see the show as a rip off, eventhough it's not, I'll just let'em have their fun. The truth is out there if they're interested. I don't think they are, though. Lol


Pretty much everything you said are minor difference. Adding another person to the team doesn't make it any less of a ripoff. And TAR had a season where it was teams of 4...

It's a VERY similar show. It's much more about your conditioning and ability to travel across many terrains as opposed to your ability to travel well. There's probably a little less luck involved in Expedition Impossible, factoring out delayed flights and bad taxi drivers... but there are quirks in this one too, such as finishing second doesn't give you any advantage over finishing 4th.

I don't know why you can't enjoy both. There's no point in hating it because it's similar and there's no point in denying their similarities. So far, I enjoy Amazing Race more... but this show has its merits, too.

I'm STILL always right.


It is, but it isn't that bad if you like The Amazing Race. The cast certainly isn't worse than on TAR, and Phil Keogan is just a human teleprompter too.
